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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 299

Chapter 0299 

Oh, Nick.” 

Does it feel good?” 

I nodded

Good.He continued to touch until it was nearly too much. I clutched at his upper arms with both my hands, squeezing

“Maybe we should see what else you aren’t wearing,Nicholas said, then. He held onto one breast with one hand, while his other lowered down to my hips. He tugged the dress down over my curves, and it dropped fully down to the floor

His hand slipped around my backside, and traced the bare globe of my ass

I had decided to forego my panties as well

You are a very bad girl, Piper,he purred. Let me see you.” 

my now- 

Stepping back, he came around to my front. His hooded gaze traced the expanse of n*ked b*dy. Heat and lust shimmered in the gold in his eyes, sparkling like coins under the candlelight I now realized we were surrounded with

How easily he had distracted me from my surroundings

How romantic he had wanted this moment to be for us


While I was appreciating the candlelight, Nicholas was appreciating me. His pants were now straining in the front. His fingers twitched, like he wanted to touch but didn’t know where to 


He’d seen me n*ked before in the past, but this felt different somehow. I was standing here, in his room, bare and begging. We were different people than we had been three years ago, but we were the same too, in some ways

Our lust for each other had a hair trigger

Nicholas suddenly stepped forward and scooped me into his arms in a bridal carry. He struggled to walk, but he managed to hobble with me into the bedroom. So softly, so tenderly, he lowered me down onto the soft cushion of the bed

Nick, please” 

He lowered his lips to mine and claimed my mouth with his k*ss, licking his way inside. Gently, so as not to put too much weight onto me, he shifted over me, rested in the cradle of 


+15 BONUS 

His hands traced up and down my sides, starting tiny wildfires along my skin. Wherever he touched burned with my desire for him. I wanted more. So much more

whimpered against his mouth

That was all the guidance he needed. He broke the k*ss, and instead, dragged his open mouth down the side of my neck. He planted soft k*ss after soft k*ss down my chest, through the valley of my breasts, and over my flat stomach

Eventually he lowered so far that he had to stretch my hips out further to rest his torso more comfortably between them

He licked his lips, looking at my exposed core. With extreme softness, he reached forward and pulled back the hood from my clit

I swallowed my nerves, suddenly feeling so exposed

This was Nicholas. He was safe. He was kind

You are so beautiful,he said, then leaned forward and took me into his mouth


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