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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 

“Your Grace, I’ve finally found you!” 

This scene stunned the security guard in the gatehouse! 

He found it funny and thought, “What the fuck is that? A young man kneeling and calling another young man ‘Your Grace’ in broad daylight? How interesting!” 

However, just as he was about to share this gossip with others, he saw the young man standing in front of that young man. 

The security guard’s pupils constricted! 

He knew this young man! 

This was the young man who had almost made Robert get down on his knees today! 


If it were anyone else, he might have thought that he was watching a joke. However, Gavin… 

It reminded him of Robert’s performance. 

This was fucking… 

“Who exactly is this young man? What kind of god lives in our neighborhood?” 

Not only was the security guard in the gatehouse stunned by this scene. Even Gavin was slightly stunned. 

He thought to himself, “Who is this? Why is he kneeling and calling me Your Grace in broad daylight? Do I look that old?” 

However, why did this voice sound a little familiar? 

Then, Gavin took a closer look. 


That was right. The young man kneeling on the ground was Brody from the Hill family in Greenwald! 

When Brody heard Gavin call out his name, he felt honored and said, “Your Grace, your memory is so good. You still remember your humble 


What a fucking good memory! 


Was this Brody freaking possessed? 

Why did he start to call himself his humble servant? 

Gavin rubbed his nose awkwardly. 

When Gavin touched his nose, he saw the stunned face in the guardhouse! 

Gavin coughed slightly as he said to Brody, kneeling on the ground, “Stand up and come with me!” 

As he spoke, he turned around and walked toward a corner. 

Brody hurriedly followed. 

After Gavin saw that no one was looking at them, he said to Brody, “Tell me, why did you come back again?” 

Brody immediately said, “Your Grace, I’ve made a huge discovery!” “Oh?” 

Looking at Gavin’s puzzled gaze, Brody took out a small tape recorder from his pocket as if he were asking for credit. Then, he handed the tape recorder to Gavin with both hands. 

Gavin looked curiously at the recorder in his hand and pressed the play button. 

The next second, an old man’s hoarse voice sounded from the recorder. “Didn’t Commander Latrell say that the Sunspire Resistance was foolproof and Gavin must die in Sunspire?” 

Hearing this, Gavin’s eyes instantly flickered with a cold light! 

Then, with a bang, he immediately turned off the recorder in his hand. At this moment, Cavin’s gaze had already turned cold. He looked at Brody in front of him. Then, he asked hoarsely, “Where did you get this recording? 

Brody looked at Gavin’s solemn expression and knew what he gave Gavin must be important. The excitement in his heart increased a little, and he immediately said, “I secretly recorded this outside the meeting hall of the Hill family. The people talking inside are my grandfather, father, and uncles!” 

Hearing Brody’s words, Gavin’s expression suddenly became a little strange. Then, he looked at Brody and asked, “You secretly recorded your family’s secret conversation for me?” 

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Hearing Gavin’s question, Brody also knew the doubt in Gavin’s heart. He immediately raised his voice as if he was making a military warrant. 

“Your Grace, I, Brody, swear to God that no one in the Hill family knows about this except me!” 


Gavin looked at Brody’s confident and certain gaze and confirmed that what Brody said was true. 

Since this sentence was true, Gavin was even more curious. 

What was this Brody up to? 

Although Gavin only heard a sentence from the recorder, this sentence. proved that the Hill family must be one of the accomplices in the Clifford family’s extermination. 

However, as a boy of the Hill family, why did Brody have such an attitude. toward him? Moreover, why did he secretly tell him the family secrets? Seeing that Gavin didn’t say anything, Brody knew that his explanation wasn’t strong enough, so he spoke again, “You might not know this, but for the past 20 years, the Hill family’s people, even my biological parents, haven’t treated me as one of the Hill family people. They haven’t even treated me as a person! 

“Therefore, I want to teach the people of the Hill family a painful lesson. I want them to know the consequences of looking down on me!” 

The more Brody spoke, the colder his eyes became. There was even a kind of resentment and hatred in his. eyes. 

This Brody was actually filled with hatred for his family. 


Gavin looked at Brody’s state and felt even stranger. 

From wha: Brody said, Brody was kept in the dark by his family. He did not know anything about the destruction of the Clifford family back. then. 

Not only that. All the events were hidden from Brody. This Brody was like a piece of white paper in the Hill family. 

In Brody’s eyes, it was because his family did not treat him as a person, but Gavin knew this was a form of protection for Brody from the Hill family! 

They did not want Brody to come into contact with these filthy things! 


However, they did not expect it to backfire in Brody’s mind. 

To be honest, this Brody was really a pitiful person. 

However, whether he was pitiful or not, what does it have to do with Gavin? 

Wouldn’t it be easier for Gavin to make use of such a person? 

Therefore, Gavin directly said to Brody, “Not bad, you did well in this matter!” 

“Really?” Hearing Gavin’s voice, Brody exclaimed in surprise. 


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