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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 

“I’m here!” 

Gavin’s voice suddenly came from directly in front of all of them. 

Everyone immediately withdrew their gazes, looking ahead warily. 

Sure enough, in the mansion’s hall, an unfamiliar figure appeared out of nowhere. Yes, Gavin revealed himself. 

Gavin had previously hidden himself because he wanted to see what these people 

were up to. 

Now, he realized that they were still scheming against him. 

Hence, there was no need to hide anymore. 

However, these people were astonished to find that despite their many supreme warriors, they hadn’t detected him! 

For a moment, this group of people actually became vigilant. 

The team leader also took a step forward and frowned at Gavin. 

He loudly questioned Gavin, “Kid, who the hell are you? How dare you spy on us?” Gavin looked at the team leader in front of him and spread his hands. 


He said calmly, “Aren’t you guys preparing a trap to lure me in? Why don’t you. know who I am?” 

Upon hearing Gavin’s words, everyone was momentarily stunned. 

The next second, they all collectively exclaimed, “You’re Gavin Clifford?” 

Gavin immediately frowned and dug his ears. 

He said, “Do you have to shout so loudly?” 

He was a bit displeased. 

The simultaneous exclamation from the group was quite loud. 

The dozen or so people were dumbfounded at first. Then, one by one, revealed a hint of surprise. 

Especially the team leader at the intermediate supreme rank. 


This old fellow actually laughed out loud. 

He said to Gavin in surprise, “This really came without any effort! 

their eyes 

“If we had known that this idiot dared to come to us willingly, we wouldn’t have bothered setting up any traps.” 

This was what this group of people was surprised about. 



Gavin had been eavesdropping on them for quite some time, and none of these supreme warriors had noticed him. 

Shouldn’t they consider that Gavin might be stronger than them? 

However, at this moment, they seemed to have lost their minds because Gavin had taken the initiative to come to them. 

Surprisingly, no one noticed this crucial point. 

At this moment, the team leader had a cold expression on his face as he spoke to Gavin again. 

“I don’t know how you found us, but it doesn’t matter anymore! 

“The important thing is that you’re about to die! 

“After we kill you, we can report back to our master! Hahaha.” 

Ignoring the laughing leader, Gavin went straight to the question he wanted to investigate and was curious about. 

“Who’s your master?” 

When the team leader heard this, he sneered disdainfully. 

“You’re a dog from a garbage family. You aren’t worthy of knowing our master’s 


“Maybe after you die, someone down there will tell you!” 

After saying this, the team leader turned around and said to the 15 subordinates behind him. 

“Which one of you wants this credit? Go and kill this stray dog!” 

For some reason, when they heard their team leader’s words, the 15 people’s faces revealed a restless expression. 

One by one, they eagerly stood up. 

“I’ll go!” 

“Leader, let me do it!” 

“Leader, I’ve developed a new combat technique. Let me try it!” 

“Leader, let me do it” 


However, if any of their previous comrades were present, especially the man with two large knives who was bone-thin, he would have cried out to them. 

“Are you all trying to get yourselves killed? 

“What kind of madness is this? Run now!” 

Unfortunately, that skinny man wielding two knives was long gone. These people had no chance to hear his sincere warning. 


Seeing how enthus 

expression. He casually pointed at one of his subordinates. 

He said, “You do it!” 

“Okay! Thanks, leader, thank you!” 

The person who was chosen to go first to his death kept expressing gratitude to his team leader. 

The remaining individuals who were not chosen even showed a disappointed expression. 

Watching this scene unfold, Gavin couldn’t help but reveal a trace of helplessness. on his face. 

The chosen one had stepped forward, pointing at Gavin with one hand, a mocking expression on his face. 

“Kid, I’m a novice supreme warrior. Get ready to tremble! 

“Go to hell…” 

Before the person could finish his sentence, he suddenly realized that Gavin, who was originally standing some distance away, had disappeared. 

The next moment, he felt an unbearable pain in his chest. 


A mouthful of thick blood, along with some fragments of internal organs, spurted out from his mouth and nose. 

“Uh, ah…” 

This person’s body instantly bent like a grilled shrimp. 

His body slowly slid down. 

With a plop, he fell limply to the ground. 

Gavin, with his calm and indifferent demeanor, stood before him. 

Looking at the person again, his face was twisted grotesquely, and he appeared to be dead, without any sign of life. 

His expression was like he had suffered immense pain when he died. 


“No way.” 



When the remaining 15 people, including their team leader, saw this scene, they actually exclaimed in disbelief at the same time. 

All of them looked at Gavin as if they had seen a demon. 

In their eyes, Gavin was just a surviving young scion from the Clifford family. 



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