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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 

Layla’s cousin, Elliott Taylor, was just about to teach a lesson to Layla, who was just an adopted daughter of the Taylor family. 

However, he didn’t expect that someone would appear all of a sudden and give him a smack in the mouth. 


Elliott laboriously lifted his head, gingerly shielding his inflamed cheek with his hand, and shot an intense, burning glare towards the man who had forcefully delivered a resounding slap across his face, his eyes seething with an overwhelming tide of anger. 

“Damn! You son of bitch! How dare you hit me? 

“Someone! Come here!” 

Elliott called out in a loud voice. 

With a loud thud, a dozen or so of the Taylor family’s servants, armed with clubs, emerged from the Taylor Villa at once. 

And then Elliott pointed at Gavin and shouted loudly. 

“Break this rascal’s legs and throw him out!” 


The group of servants echoed in unison and rushed toward Gavin at once. 

Layla was instantly shocked by the scene and quickly stood in front of Gavin. With a resolute demeanor, she extended her arms in a steadfast attempt to shield Gavin from harm, all the while vociferating loudly and forcefully berating the approaching group that loomed ominously before her. 

“What are you doing? 

“Stand down! I told you all to stand down!” 

However, the servants in front of her appeared to ignore Layla’s shouts and continued to advance on Gavin. 

With anxiety in her eyes, Layla turned to Gavin at once and then yelled. 

“Gavin, run! 

After that, she bellowed at the group of servants once more. 

“Are you planning to rebel? I’m the daughter of the Taylor family, and I order you all to stand down!” 

Nevertheless, the servants in front of her showed contemptuous expressions after they heard Layla’s words. 

Elliott, standing at the back, even sneered. 

“You’re just an adopted girl, and how dare you think you’re the daughter of the Taylor family? 

“Go teach her a lesson, too!” 

The group of servants of the Taylor family spoke in unison at once and brandished the sticks in their hands. 


Layla, who wore an anxious look, suddenly heard a low sigh from behind. 


The next moment. 

With a swoosh, she felt her long hair whipped by the rush of air. 

A figure surged forward from behind her at once. 

The next instant. 

The sound of bodies hitting the ground resounded. 

Surprisingly, within the blink of an eye, all of the imposing servants of the Taylor family lay writhing on the ground, emitting agonized screams from their mouths. 

Seeing this turn of events, Layla and Elliott were left dumbfounded. 

Layla gazed at Gavin’s sturdy back, which stood in front of her, and then slowly spoke with a trembling voice. 


Gavin had disappeared for ten years. How had he become so powerful after returning? 

At the same time, fear welled up in Elliott’s eyes as he gazed across at Gavin. 

Elliott observed Gavin, who was now standing in front of him with a calm demeanor, as if he hadn’t done anything. 

Gavin’s eyes bore no emotion. 

Instead, they were filled with an icy, cold look that even sent chills down Elliott’s spine. 

“You… You… 

“How dare you injure so many people from the Taylor family in front of the Taylor Villa?” 

Elliott still tried to threaten Gavin at this moment, but his voice trembled, revealing his fear. 

Afterward, he shouted toward the Taylor Villa, “Get some help! Someone is killing people here!” 

He knew that he was unable to handle it alone, so he called for assistance. 

At that moment, a middle-aged man’s voice emanated from within the Taylor Villa. 

“What’s going on? What’s all this commotion?” 

Shortly after, a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman, both dressed elegantly, walked out from the Taylor Villa. 

After they noticed that the servants of the Taylor family were all lying on the ground, they quickly shared a surprised look. 

“Who did this?” 

Elliott wasted no time rushing toward them and loudly replied. 

“Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, it’s him! It’s this son of a bitch who did it.. 

“Go get the warriors of the Taylor family out to teach him a lesson. He’s trying to cause trouble for the Taylor family!” 

At the same time, Layla walked forward to stand in front of Gavin again and said to the middle-aged couple. 

“Dad, Mom, you’ve got it all wrong! 

“This is Gavin. He’s back!” 

Upon hearing Layla’s words, the middle-aged couple all froze in place, their gazes narrowing as they locked onto Gavin. 

“Gavin? You’re Gavin?” 

Gavin also recognized the two individuals. 

Clearly, the middle-aged couple was Layla’s parents, Jackson Taylor and Ruby Taylor. 

Out of courtesy, Gavin stepped forward with kindness on his face and said. 

“Hello, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor. I’m Gavin, and I’m back.” 

However, Ruby and Jackson all frowned at the same time as soon as they heard Gavin’s voice. 

Ruby directly spoke out. 

“Why are you still alive? Then, what are you doing back here in Brookspring?” 

“Mom!” Hearing Ruby’s words, Layla called out in shock, looking at her mother incredulously. 

She couldn’t understand why her mother and father seemed so averse to seeing Gavin as if they didn’t want to see him at all. 

Gavin had long expected their negative reaction. Therefore, after he saw this, his guess of the Taylor family’s current situation became even clearer. 


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