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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 

“Noah, why aren’t you kneeling?” 

After hearing this, Noah trembled heavily and slowly turned his head with a stiff expression. 

Noah looked at Gavin and his eyes flickered. He did not dare to look at the token. in Gavin’s hand. 

Adair had no idea what was going on. 

He roared, “Shut up! How can you talk to my father like that? 

“What right do you have to make my father kneel down to you? 

“Do you think you’re so awesome just because you’re holding up this lousy token? You’re just a fool!” 

Of course, Adair’s words were directed at Gavin, but he did not expect what happened next. 

After Adair said this, the Warrior Surveillance Bureau members who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads at the same time and glared at Adair. They shouted in unison, “How dare you!” 


These people from the Warrior Surveillance Bureau were all warriors. 

So many warriors shouted in unison. 

Adair felt as if someone had smashed his chest with a hammer. He spat out a mouthful of blood. 


When Noah saw this scene, his eyes instantly widened. 

Noah instantly turned around and roared at the group of people around him, “What the fuck are you doing? 

“How dare you? 

“Are you rebelling? I ask you all to stand up!” 

Noah’s voice had even cracked. 

However, the group of people kneeling on the ground still did not get up. In fact, the seven deputy commanders behind Noah raised their heads. 

Someone even said to him, “Mr. Mullen, we’re not the ones rebelling. It’s you, right?” 

“Stanlow Warrior Surveillance Bureau belongs to Blearus Warrior Surveillance. Bureau, not the Mullen family!” 

“Mr. Mullen, you don’t kneel when you see the token. Are you going against the 

rules of Warrior Surveillance Bureau?” 

When Noah listened to these people’s voices, his chest heaved up and down, and his face was filled with anger. 

“Bastards! I told you to stand up! Stand up!” 

It was unknown if Noah had heard the words of these deputy commanders, but he kept repeating the words “Stand up” like a recorder. 

However, what Noah said did not receive any response. 

At this moment, Gavin’s voice sounded casually. 

“Stanlow Warrior Surveillance Bureau members, listen up.” 

“We are here!” 

All Warrior Surveillance Bureau members who were kneeling on the ground. instantly let out a roar in unison. 

Their voices shook the universe, which were even more deafening than the voice. Noah had shouted for them to come out. 

It made Adair and Noah tremble in fear. 

Gavin’s voice sounded casually again. 


Gavin only said one word before these people spoke in unison again. 


Then, these Warrior Surveillance Bureau members instantly stood up. 


With that, the group of people instantly left the Mullen family auction hall. The hall, which had become crowded because of their appearance, instantly became empty. 

The entire hall fell into a strange silence again. 

The guests hiding in the corner did not seem to react and turned into statues. 

What happened at the scene today was really too dramatic. 

This was fucking incomprehensible! 

Adair had put up the Clifford family title deed for auction. 

Then, a person from the Clifford family in Brookspring appeared and prepared 

to take back what belonged to the Clifford family. 

He killed the Mullen family’s subordinates as soon as he came up. 

Then, not only was the Mullen family not nervous and afraid but they also 

thought that the young man had been deceived by them and fallen into their trap. 

Yes, this was a trap. The Mullen family called a bunch of experts over to kill Gavin. 

In the end, the first batch of people who appeared changed sides at the last minute. and became Gavin’s helpers. 

Then, the lord of the Southeast Martial Order that the Mullen family relied on turned around and left, not bothering with them. 

After that, Noah called out Stanlow Warrior Surveillance Bureau subordinates who were under his charge and prepared to kill Gavin directly. 

But Gavin took out a token. 

After that, the people from Stanlow Warrior Surveillance Bureau actually knelt in front of the young man one by one. They did not listen to Noah’s orders at all. Instead, they listened to Gavin’s orders. 

When Gavin asked them to retreat, the people from Warrior Surveillance Bureau immediately retreated. 

Noah had no helper now. 

Was this really the trap that the Mullen family set for the young man? Or was it a trap that the young man set for the Mullen family? 

Was this the legendary act of shooting himself in the foot? 

“These bastards! These traitors!” 

At this moment, Noah’s hysterical voice broke the thoughts of everyone in the hall. 

At that moment, Noah was like an enraged bull. His eyes were red and his nostrils. were enlarged. He was panting non-stop. 

His footsteps were unsteady, and he almost fell to the ground because of the anger in his heart. 

Adair hurriedly took a step forward and supported his father. 

Then, he hurriedly said, “Dad, don’t be anxious. Calm down. We still have helpers. We still have helpers!” 

As he spoke, Adair stood on the stage again. The smile on his face had already become ferocious. 

Adair seemed to have lost his mind as he shouted at Gavin. 

“Young man! 

“Don’t fucking get too excited! 

“I said that you must die today. You must die!” 

Then, Adair opened his arms and raised his head to look at the ceiling. 

He shouted in a strong and deep voice, “Seniors from Thorns, please appear attack!” 



What was it? 

Other than Gavin, the rest of the people around them had strange expressions on their faces. 

Was Adair really suffering a huge blow in his heart? 

Was he crazy? 

Indeed, from Adair’s posture, actions, voice, and the content of his words, he did look like he was crazy. 

However, Gavin raised his eyebrows slightly. 


Could this also be the name of an organization? 

Or could it still be a country? 

If it was a country, why had Gavin never heard of it before? 


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