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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 

The head of Rosebud, Rose, did not react to Gavin’s words at all. 

Although Rose had just been injured, she knew what the scar on her face meant. As long as this scar appeared, it would last forever. 

Why did Gavin say so casually? 

He said it shouldn’t leave a scar. 

Was he joking now? 

Before Rose could react to Gavin’s words, Gavin, who was standing in front of her, spoke again. “Alright, now can you tell me why I’m your benefactor?” 

Rose was originally immersed in her own shock. Now that she heard Gavin’s question, she did not dare to be negligent at all. 

She gathered her thoughts and hurriedly said, “Ten years ago, in the Sunspire Resistance!” 

Gavin was speechless. 

Why was it related to the Sunspire Resistance from ten years ago again? 

Gavin looked at Rose with a strange expression and asked, “You’re one of the Sunspire Guards? That can’t be right. Why don’t I remember that there are female soldiers in Sunspire Guards?” 

Of course, there were no female soldiers among the Sunspire Guards. 

Rose also shook her head heavily and said, “Benefactor, we are not from the Sunspire Guards. 

“We’re all Sunspire natives!” 

“Oh?” Hearing Rose’s words, Gavin looked up slightly. 

Gavin looked at Rose curiously and repeated it. 

“Sunspire natives?” 

The tears in Rose’s eyes seemed to have become much clearer as if she was recalling the tragic scene of the Sunspire Resistance years ago. 

“Benefactor, everyone in Rosebud is a woman. 

“Because their husbands, fathers, elder brothers, or younger brothers all died in the Sunspire Resistance back then!” 

Rose’s voice started to tremble, and the tears in her eyes kept rolling. 

When Gavin heard Rose’s words, his eyes slowly narrowed. 

On the other hand, Rose was already thinking about the Sunspire Resistance’s miserable scene 10 years ago. 

Rose told Gavin tearfully. 

At that time, the number of people guarding Sunspire was not limited to the Sunspire Guards. 

There were also Sunspire militias spontaneously organized by the locals. 

Among these militiamen, there were warriors, but they were not very strong. Most of them were ordinary people. 

They spontaneously armed themselves to defend Sunspire. 

After all, that was their hometown! 

However, how could the strength of the militia fight against the Thirty-Power Allied Forces? 

As a result, these militias were completely wiped out in the Sunspire Resistance. And Rose, the head of Rosebud, was a warrior from Sunspire ten years ago. However, at that time, Rose was not as powerful as she was now. Her brother and father were also warriors. 

At that time, Rose also wanted to go to the battlefield with her brother and father to defend Sunspire. 

However, Rose was forcibly locked in the house by her father and brother. 

In the end, Rose only got news of her father and brother’s deaths. 

At that time, all the people in Sunspire, whether Sunspire Guards or the local. residents had long fallen into despair. 

They thought that they were doomed and would definitely fall with their hometown. 

Unexpectedly, Frostpeak Dark Warriors appeared. 

Frostpeak Dark Warriors arrived at Sunspire like a thunderbolt, catching the Thirty-Power Allied Forces off guard. 

One hundred thousand of Frostpeak Dark Warriors were evenly matched with billions of the Thirty-Power Allied Forces. 

This gave the residents and the Sunspire Guards time to evacuate. 

They were safe, but there was news of Frostpeak Dark Warriors and the 

Thirty-Power Allied Forces perishing together. 

The group of people returned to their hometown and looked at their devastated hometown. They could imagine how Frostpeak Dark Warriors had dealt with the Thirty-Power Allied Forces. 

Frostpeak Dark Warriors were the benefactor of all Sunspire people. They were also the benefactor of the entire Blearus. 

As her brother and father were killed, the grieving Rose was infected by the feat of Frostpeak Dark Warriors and the Thirty-Power Allied Forces perishing together. She spontaneously found these women who had similar experiences as her. 

Rose established the current Rosebud. 

And it was precisely because these women held back the drive in their hearts that their martial arts strength advanced by leaps and bounds. 

Of course, there were also many restrictions caused by the innate conditions. 

If they followed Gavin and trained under the care of Frostpeak Dark Warriors, with the determination in their hearts, their strength would definitely be much stronger than now. 

Looking at Rose crying, Gavin took a deep breath. 

To be honest, Gavin was very touched by these heroines. 

After nodding heavily at Rose, Gavin said, “You guys have suffered.” 


When Rose heard Gavin’s words, she wiped the tears off her face and shook her head. 

“We have not suffered!” 

“Compared to Frostpeak Dark Warriors’s suffering in Sunspire, our suffering is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s not worth mentioning!” 

As she spoke, Rose asked involuntarily, “Benefactor, the entire country is saying. that Frostpeak Dark Warriors and the Thirty-Power Allied Forces perished together, but you…” 

What Rose meant was that everyone said that they were already dead, including Dark Lord from Frostpeak Dark Warriors. But today, she actually had the chance to see Dark Lord from Frostpeak Dark Warriors. 

Gavin looked at Rose with a thoughtful expression. 

For some reason, Gavin’s hands began to tremble slightly. 

Frostpeak Dark Warriors all survived, but how did Frostpeak Dark Warriors survive? 

Gavin did not want to remember. The entire Frostpeak Dark Warriors did not want to remember that painful time anymore. 

Gavin shook his head and said, “It doesn’t matter anymore. Maybe, you’ll find out later.” 

After saying that, Gavin did not continue to talk to Rose because he still had his own things to do. 

On this side, he walked toward the person in charge of Riverrun Skynet, Yana. Although Gavin didn’t want to have direct contact with this woman anymore, there were some things that he really needed her to do for him. 


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