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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 

A powerful and elderly figure, who exuded a strong aura, left Greenwald overnight and headed north towards Stanlow. 

Gavin, while still in Stanlow, did not know this. 

Similarly, in a city south of Brookspring, no one knew about this. 

The city looked very different from the modern cities of Brookspring, Greenwald and Stanlow. 

If one must describe it, the term “fortress” could even be used for this city. 

Yes, this place was like a pass. There were towering city walls around it. 

There was a huge plaque hanging above every door around the city wall. On the plaque were two large words written in a golden color! 

“Zenor Town!” 

In this towering city wall, there were also buildings, residential areas, commercial streets, and so on. 

However, it was more of a garden-like landscape. 

In the center of Zenor Town, there was a magnificent palace. Surprisingly, there were also city walls protecting the palace. 

There were also two words written above the city wall’s gate: “Southland Mansion!” 

This was the residence of the Southland Army’s commander, the Southland. Overlord. 

At this moment, an anxious figure was pacing back and forth in the gatehouse at the north gate of Southland Mansion. 

There was a Southland Army warrior standing at the door of the gatehouse. Just by standing there, he gave off a sense of alienation and heroic spirit! 

The figure who was pacing back and forth came to the door with a frown. He said to the Southland Army warrior anxiously, “Sir, I’ve been here for a few days. When can I see the Southland Overlord?” 

When the warrior heard this person’s voice, he only glanced at him indifferently. Then, his high and mighty voice, which even seemed a little impatient, sounded. 

“I told you to wait. Why are you talking so much?!” 

“The Southland Overlord is currently discussing something important with the Southwest Overlord and the Southeast Overlord! He doesn’t have the time to see you, a servant from a lousy family in Brookspring!” 

A servant of a lousy family in Brookspring? 

Could this person be the Holman family’s servant? 

Good lord, the Holman family in Brookspring had already been destroyed! 

The Holman family’s master had sent this servant, but he could not even see the Southland Overlord? 

However, even if he did not see the Southland Overlord, why did he not even receive news of the Holman family’s destruction? 

Did this servant not even have a phone number? 

In any case, when the servant heard the extremely insulting voice from the other party’s mouth, he was furious. 


Just as the servant opened his mouth to speak, the warrior turned around and stared at him coldly. Then, he shouted in a deep voice, “What?” 

The servant immediately shut up and bowed with an apologetic smile. 

“It’s nothing, sir. Thank you for your hard work. I’ll wait a little longer.” 

As he spoke, he nervously walked towards the seat reserved for him in the gatehouse. 

Just as this person sat down on the cold bench, a loud noise was heard outside the gatehouse. 

“Buzz!” The sound of the air vibrating could be heard. 

In the next second, a Southland Army Warrior appeared in front of the guard at the gate. 

His face was extremely serious, with a hint of urgency as he asked, “Where’s Southland Overlord?” 

The guard was slightly taken aback and immediately asked, “What happened?” “Something big has happened! Don’t ask so many questions first. Quickly bring me to see Southland Overlord!” 

Upon hearing this person’s answer, the two warriors did not hesitate at all and rant straight into the depths of Southland Mansion! 

At this moment, the Holman family servant who heard the commotion also ran out of the gatehouse. 

He had no idea what was going on. 

He only knew that his obstacle had disappeared! 

Moreover, they seemed to be going to see Southland Overlord! 

At this moment, he had to seize the opportunity! 

He had to chase after them! 

The servant did not hesitate. After all, he still had to complete the mission given to him by his family head. He rushed in the direction where the two of them had disappeared. 

At this moment, in the garden of Southland Mansion, there was a pavilion. Waves of hearty laughter could be heard coming from the pavilion. 

Three middle-aged men sat among them, exuding a terrifying aura. 

There were pastries and wine on the round table. 

The terrifying aura emanating from these three people. 

Even one of them was more terrifying than the six peak supreme warriors of the Mason family in Greenwald! 

These three individuals are evidently the three trusted aides of the Riverrun General, Matthew. They were the Southland Overlord, the Southeast Overlord, and the Southwest Overlord. 

This was Southland Mansion. The other two overlords of Riverrun were probably here to catch up with Southland Overlord. 

Moreover, this gathering had lasted for many days. 

Otherwise, how could the Holman family’s servants not even see Southland Overlord until now? 

Just as the three of them raised the wine glasses in their hands again and were about to drink it in one gulp. 

The three of them froze at the same time. They frowned slightly and revealed displeasure. 

It was as if they did not like the fact that the gathering of the three of them was interrupted. They seemed a little impatient. 

At this moment, two Southland Army Warriors appeared outside the pavilion. The two of them knelt on the ground at the same time and smashed their heads on the ground. They said in unison, “Greetings, Southland Overlord, Southwest Overlord, Southeast Overlord!” 

Hearing their voices, the middle-aged man sitting in the middle with a small scar at the corner of his eye put down his wine glass and said in a low voice, “What’s the matter? Why are you so flustered? Can’t you see that I’m drinking with my brothers?” 

This person was clearly the legendary Southland Overlord. 


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