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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

“Oh! Uncle, what happened to your face? Did someone hit you?” 

Gavin could tell that this crisp voice belonged to Sally. 

However, Sally’s voice didn’t contain the slightest bit of heartache. It seemed as if she was rejoicing in his misfortune. 

It seemed that the relationship between Sally and his uncle was not very harmonious. 

On the other side, Sally’s figure slowly appeared in the courtyard. 

Sally was slightly stunned as she looked at the servants who had collapsed in the courtyard and were wailing. Sally subconsciously exclaimed, “What’s going on?” After this exclamation, Sally also saw the four people standing at the door. 

When she saw Gavin, Sally ran toward the door in surprise. 

She shouted, “Gavin! You have come to Greenwald!” 

The girl skipped over to Gavin. 

However, before Gavin could speak, Sally seemed to have thought of something. A trace of panic appeared in her eyes. 

She asked, “Why are you here at Greenwald?” 

After Gavin heard Sally’s words, a hint of curiosity appeared in his eyes. 

Then, he immediately asked, “Sally, did something happen?” 

Hearing Gavin’s question, Sally immediately waved her hand in panic and said, “No. What could have happened? Nothing happened!” 

Although that was the case, Sally’s current state didn’t seem like it. 

Before Gavin could ask again, Sally directly said, “Gavin, come in quickly. Don’t stand at the door!” 

With that, Sally led Gavin and the other three people into the Tenny Villa. 

This time, Sally’s uncle, who was sitting on the ground with a nervous and fearful expression, had no intention of stopping her. 

Of course, right now, his mind was blank and his heart was filled with despair. That was because the people from Rosebud might come looking for trouble with him in a while. 

However, it was obvious that he was thinking too much. 

The people from Rosebud did not even look at him. They followed behind Gavin and the other three people and quietly walked into the Tenny Villa. 

Sally brought Gavin through several courtyards and entered a small courtyard. 

He opened the door to a room and led Gavin and the three people in. 

me do my best as a host. It’s a good opportunity to repay your kindness.” 

After Gavin heard Sally’s words and saw her evasive gaze, the curiosity in his heart became even more obvious. 

Technically speaking, the relationship between him and Sally was not bad, but after all, he had taken Sally’s 200 thousand dollars. Sally was still brooding over this money. 

At this time, they should be arguing with each other. Gavin wondered why her attitude was so good. 

Gavin raised his eyebrows slightly and said, “Take me to Mrs. Muriel. Since I’m here, how can I not greet Mrs. Muriel?” 

After Sally heard Gavin’s words, her eyes revealed a desolate and dejected light, but she quickly controlled it. 

Then she said crisply, “My mother isn’t at home right now. She’s busy with business outside. 

“Gavin, stay here first. When my mother comes back, I’ll bring you to see her.” As she spoke, Sally seemed to be a little afraid and quickly left the room. Gavin, who was standing in the room, looked at Sally’s back with deep doubt in his eyes. 

On the other side, Kris’s voice sounded from beside Gavin. 

“Gav, this girl must be hiding something from us. Of course, it’s mainly to hide it from you.” 

Actually, Gavin could tell what Kris was saying. 

On the other side, Rose, the head of Rosebud, whispered, “Benefactor, it’s actually very easy to know what Miss Tenny is hiding from us.” 

Gavin turned his head slightly when he heard Rose’s voice. 

Seeing Gavin’s gaze, Rose immediately understood and said loudly, “Someone!” Soon, a warrior from Rosebud appeared in the room and knelt on one knee. 

“Miss Rose, Benefactor.” 

After the warrior greeted Gavin and Rose, Rose asked, “What happened to the Tenny family?” 

Of course, this warrior from Rosebud couldn’t hide it from Rose or Gavin. 

He directly said, “Miss Rose, after we returned from Brookspring, Georgie Tenny, the head of the Tenny family, and Muriel, the next head of the Tenny family, fell strangely ill. The hospital even issued a notice of critical illness.” 


When Gavin heard this, his pupils constricted. 

The next second, a soft sound was heard, and Gavin’s figure instantly disappeared 

from the room. 

Looking at Gavin’s departing figure, Kris shook his head helplessly and muttered, “Now I know why that girl hid it from you.” 

When Gavin heard that Muriel had been issued a critical illness notice, he instantly lost control of his emotions. 

Gavin’s mother was already dead, and he saw a reflection of his mother in Muriel. Moreover, the dishes Muriel cooked even had the same flavor as his mother’s cooking. 

Of course, the most important thing was that Muriel was his mother’s close friend. when she was alive. She was so friendly that she treated him as family. 

Therefore, Muriel was also a family member in Gavin’s heart. 

His family was actually dying. How could Gavin not be anxious? 

The moment Gavin disappeared, two figures, one old and one young, walked in from the entrance of the Tenny Villa. 

The young man looked at the Tenny Villa’s door that had disappeared and let out a puzzled voice. 

He exclaimed, “Huh? Where did my door go?” 

Fortunately, after Sally brought Gavin into the Tenny Villa, the injured servants on the ground and Sally’s uncle who had been slapped had already left. 

Otherwise, the youngs 

must be scared. 

However, at this moment, he could not care less about where his door was. 

Instead, he anxiously turned to the middle-aged man behind him and said, “Dr. Myers, my grandfather is in the room in the backyard. Please follow me.” 

The man that the young man called Dr. Myers was just the middle-aged man who walked in. 


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