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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

When Gavin uttered those words, he instantly drew the angry gazes of everyone in the hall. 

All of the members of the Taylor family turned to stare at him. 

It also included the so-called “healer” Harris Myers, the physician, who was busy treating Brooke Taylor. 

“Hmph!” Harris glanced at Gavin, seemingly dismissive of Gavin’s audacious questioning of his medical skills. 

He completely disregarded Gavin’s words as he didn’t want to argue, treating them as unfounded ramblings of a young and inexperienced individual. 

He decided not to pay any attention to Gavin’s words and instead focused entirely on the treatment of Brooke. 

The Taylor family members on this side were furious but refrained from speaking, fearing they might disrupt Harris, the physician trying to save their patriarch. 

However, just as Harris was about to administer the second silver needle, Gavin’s voice resounded again. 

He said, “I suggest you think twice before administering that needle! You better not simply administer the treatment to Mr. Taylor.” 

“You!” exclaimed Harris immediately when he heard Gavin’s words. Harris, who was entirely focused on administering the needle to save Brooke, responded in surprise. 

He spoke successively to disrupt and disturb the calm of Harris’s heart! Harris instantly stopped his movements and turned to shout at Gavin angrily. 

“You brat, do you want Mr. Taylor to die faster? Why are you stopping me from treating him?” said Harris. 

When Gavin faced the angry Harris, he waved his hand. 

Gavin replied, “I think it’s you who wants Mr. Taylor to die faster, isn’t it?” 

“You! You are talking nonsense! Bullshit,” said Harris angrily. 

“You are a scoundrel!” Conversely, Caleb couldn’t hold back any longer and burst out. 


He angrily scolded Gavin, “You bastard. You want my dad to die, don’t you?” 

“How dare you question Harris’s medical skills? Dr. Myers is the 

Riverrun’s recognized top physician and hasn’t made any mistakes in decades of practice!” 

“You, a useless and worthless ignoramus, what qualifies you to speak? You have no right to speak here!” 

Since someone else was showing off on his behalf, Harris naturally put on an arrogant facade and adopted a lofty attitude. 

His eyes were full of disdain as he raised his chin and snorted coldly when observing Gavin. 

He once again lifted the silver needle in his hand to pierce Brooke’s body. 

On this side, Gavin’s brows furrowed slightly. 

He could have ignored Harris’s treatment of Brooke because he could easily slap Harris if anything went wrong. 

However, in that case, Brooke would have died. 

“Wouldn’t that mean that my lead for revenge would be cut off?” thought 


Thus, at that moment, Gavin directly roared at Harris. 

He shouted, “Stop!” 

Gavin’s low roar, accompanied by a powerful aura and force, gushed toward Harris. 

The next second, a cry of agony and Harris’s entire body was sent flying. 

With a thud, he crashed heavily to the ground. 


Harris, clutching his buttocks and seething with anger, shouted sharply, waiting for Gavin to answer. 

He asked, “You brat, what are you trying to do?” 

“Dr. Myers, are you okay?” asked the others. 

The members of the Taylor family were instantly shocked and hurriedly moved forward to assist Harris. 

At that moment, Logan, who had been waiting for an opportunity, finally revealed a bloodthirsty expression in his eyes. 

He couldn’t help himself anymore. 



He shouted at Gavin, “You brat! You’re bold! 

“How dare you openly obstruct Dr. Myers from saving Mr. Taylor? 

“I must take action. I can’t stand by anymore. It’s a matter of principle. Justice demands it! 

“You are willing to die! Die!” 

At that moment, Logan’s eyes sparkled with excitement. 

He had finally found an opportunity to confront Gavin and prove his strength. 

It was crucial not to let others think that he, after years as a warrior, was inferior to an inexperienced youngster. 

A resonating hum filled the air as he rapidly approached Gavin.. 

However, Gavin paid no attention to Logan’s approach. 

He just let out a cold snort. 

“Get lost!” said Gavin. 

Then, he swung his right hand forcefully. 

A muffled bang echoed the next moment as Gavin’s fist landed. mercilessly on Logan’s chest. 


Blood spurted from Logan’s mouth and nose. He was sent flying, unable to defend himself. 


Witnessing this scene, the Taylor family once again gasped in shock. 

Logan fell heavily to the ground, his face drained of color, clutching his chest and looking at Gavin, who remained unharmed, with a terrified expression. 

“No. No way! This can’t be. It’s impossible!” muttered Logan. 

Logan had truly experienced Gavin’s immense power and overwhelming strength at that moment. 

Previously, their confrontation mainly had been about their imposing. auras, and it hadn’t created much psychological pressure on Logan. 

But now, the situation was different. 

The fact that the other person had casually dealt such a heavy blow left Logan astounded. 


Furthermore, it seemed like they hadn’t even used their full strength. 

The fact that he had been reduced to this sorry state by a seemingly effortless and casual strike from the other party shocked him. 

The words of Mr. Taylor from before echoed in Logan’s mind. “You’re not his match.” The shocking truth was now undeniable, driven home by the casual and effortless strike that had left him in such a pitiful state. 

“How could I have been so foolish as to feel indignant at the time?” thought Logan inwardly, as he couldn’t believe he had felt so defiant back then. 

It was clear that it would be effortless even if Gavin wanted to kill him. 

At that moment, he even felt that all his years of martial arts training were in vain. He wasn’t even a match and couldn’t compare to this young man in his twenties. 

A mouthful of bitter and unwilling blood sprayed from Logan’s mouth. 

Gavin paid no mind to Logan Sawyer’s thoughts and walked directly toward Brooke Taylor, who lay in the center of the hall. 

Jackson, Caleb, and the rest of the Taylor family members watched Gavin in shock and fear, taking step after step back as he approached. 

They were well aware of Logan’s prowess. He was a bona fide warrior, capable of achieving feats beyond ordinary individuals’ reach. 

Now, even Logan, a formidable warrior, had been effortlessly swatted away by Gavin. 

The extent of Gavin’s power was indeed terrifying. 

As Gavin was about to approach Brooke, who lay in the hall’s center, Harris, rubbing his rear from the fall, cried out in alarm. 

“What are you planning to do? Are you trying to harm Mr. Taylor?” asked Harris. 

Harris continued to instruct the others surrounding him, “Stop him! Don’t let him get close to Mr. Taylor!” 

Upon hearing Harris’s panicked cry, Jackson and Caleb shouted in unison simultaneously. 

“Gavin, what are you going to do?” 


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