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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

Upon hearing Layla’s words, Gavin was taken aback. 

His gaze turned stiffly toward his aunt, Kris. 

Although Kris was his aunt, she was almost the same age as him! 

His mother was the eldest daughter in the Conor family, so she was Kris’s elder sister. 

Kris was his mother’s youngest sister in the family. 

She was born almost in the same year as Gavin. 

Later, when Gavin learned about this, he couldn’t help but marvel at his grandfather’s vitality. 

Kris and Gavin had grown up together from childhood. 

Moreover, Kris had once been the most beautiful woman in Brookspring, her figure leaving nothing to be desired. 

Even though Kris was covered in wounds, Gavin had a way to heal them. 


He had to bathe Kris himself? How could he do that? 

After all, he was a strong young man! 

“No! Absolutely not!” 

Gavin instinctively shook his head in refusal. 

On the other side, Zoe and Layla naturally understood Gavin’s thoughts. 

They exchanged a glance, both showing a helpless look. 

Layla tried to persuade Gavin. 

“Gavin, don’t forget, when you were a child, you used to bathe with Kris all the time!” 

Gavin’s face blushed at the mention of this. 

He still remembered the memories when he was a child. Kris used to pester him every day, even going so far as to join him 

in the bath. He recalled how she would undress and climb into the tub with him, unfazed by his nudity. 

However, that was when they were children! 

Gavin cleared his throat and said, “Layla, as you said, that was when we were children. We’re all grown up now!” 

“That’s right!” Layla said matter-of-factly. 

“You weren’t shy back then. Why are you suddenly shy now, Gavin?” 

Well, it would be strange and concerning if he became less shy as he grew up! 

Gavin was about to instinctively refuse, but Zoe spoke up. 

“Gavin! Just go ahead and give Kris a bath! Otherwise, what should we do now? 

“Should we leave her all dirty without changing her clothes or bathing?” 


This time, Gavin had nothing to say. 

Bathing was a must! 

Who knew what Kris might have come into contact with over the past week? 

Kris must take a bath no matter what 

If Gavin bathed Kris himself, it would be awkward since Gavin was a man. However, Kris was already traumatized She would not let Zoe and Layla to bathe her. 

What should he do? 

There was no other way. 

Gavin lowered his head and said with resignation, “Well, it looks like there’s no other choice 

Hearing Gavin’s agreement, Zoe and Layla both looked pleased. 

Zor placed the clean clothes on the bathroom counter 


Then. Zoe and Layla said together, “Then we won’t disturb you anymore!” 

They quickly left the bathroom, closing the door with a firm “click” 

“You two ungrateful women!” 

Gavin mumbled. What use was their loyalty at a time like this? 


He sighed deeply and then turned to Kris. 

He said, “Kris, I’m sorry for this. We’re going to start bathing now.” 

Gavin couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about what he said. 

Nevertheless, he extended his hand toward Kris and began to carefully remove her clothes. 

Surprisingly, Gavin’s presence seemed to have a calming effect. 

Even though Layla and Zoe were both women, Kris felt a sense of panic when they approached. 

However, when it was Gavin helping her undress, Kris remained perfectly still, showing no signs of discomfort. 

She looked at Gavin with her beautiful eyes. 

Gavin moved with the utmost care, and his face blushed. 

Slowly, he removed Kris’s clothes. 

But soon, there was no other emotion in his eyes. It was completely replaced by anger! 

It was because Kris was covered in gruesome wounds. 

While her private parts on her upper and lower regions remained untouched, the rest of her body was covered in scars and wounds. 

One could only imagine the pain Kris had endured. 

Gavin’s fingers trembled as they traced over Kris’s scars. Despite the raging anger in his eyes, his voice remained gentle. 

“Kris, don’t worry. None of those people from the Holman family will escape from me. I will avenge you.” 

Kris stared directly at Gavin, her expression blank. However, a single glistening tear rolled down her cheek. 

Before long, Kris was dressed neatly. She was led out of the bathroom by Gavin. 

His actions were swift, for there was no time to waste. 

After the surge of anger, all Gavin had to deal with was Kris’s beauty and her alluring figure. 

If he stayed in such an environment for too long, he would not be able to handle it. 

When Gavin led the neatly dressed Kris out of the bathroom, he found Zoe and Layla snuggled up together and slept in the bedroom. 

They did not leave any space for Kris at all! 

But given Kris’s current state, it seemed unlikely she would sleep peacefully without Gavin by her side. 

With a sigh, Gavin tucked Zoe and Layla in, then took Kris to another bedroom. 

Gavin’s family of four could finally sleep peacefully. 

However, the front of the Clifford family’s ruined estate was far from peaceful. 

“No! My son! My boy!” 

Zachary’s mournful cries echoed through the woods, 

Back at the Holman family estate, Zachary waited in vain for news of his son. 

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, he led a group of Holman family subordinates to the ruins of the Clifford family’s villa 

However, the scene he saw there shocked him to the core. 

Zayn’s head had been brutally shattered. 

If it weren’t for the distinctive birthmark and the clothes Zayn wore, Zachary might not have recognized him at all. 

Not only that, but every person his son had brought with him had met the same fate. 

With a heavy thud, Zachary fell to his knees beside his son’s lifeless body, wailing in gref 

“My boy! Why did I let you lead them here to find that bastard? Why didn’t I come myself?” 

Then, his eyes were filled with rage. “Gavin! You wretched spawn of a tainted bloodline, you scum of the earth! You dared to kill my son! I’ll make sure you die a gruesome death!” 

Zachary continued to roar in anger and grief. Meanwhile, Scott was imprisoned in the underground chamber beneath the Clifford family ruins. He could hear the voice clearly. He had a delighted expression. That was his grandfather! 

He seemed to see a glimmer of hope. 


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