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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6 

A piercing scream erupted from Gabriel’s mouth, and his face twisted in agony. His eyes, wide with shock, seemed to well up with an intense and primal fear as he clutched at his chest with trembling, white-knuckled hands. 

Gavin, with a single hand, shockingly crushed Gabriel’s massive right fist. 

It caused Gabriel’s bone fragments and blood to scatter through the air. 

Gabriel cried out, “Ah! 

“My hand! My hand!” 

Gabriel clutched his injured hand in pain, and his forehead veins bulged as he hastily retreated. Beads of sweat gathered on his furrowed brow, glistening in the dim light. 

At that moment, the Harper family members who were unaware of the situation finally realized why Gabriel had let out such a painful scream. 

It was because his right hand was gone. 

All that remained on his arm was a spray of blood. 


Samuel’s eyes widened in disbelief. 

He was stunned and took a step back. 

But he was relatively composed compared to other people 

As for Cameron and the others, they staggered back three steps, and their faces were etched with fear. 

They were well aware of Gabriel’s immense strength. 

All the Harper family’s bodyguards and servants combined were no match for Gabriel. 

However, at this moment, with just one exchange, Gavin had crushed Gabriel’s fist. 

This was hard to believe. 

Cavin, a man who had been missing for a decade, actually possessed such incredible power. 

At this moment, Gabriel trembled with pain all over his body, and his eyes were filled with a look of terror. 

He nervously spoke up and said to Gavin, “Sir.” 

Indeed, since Gabriel couldn’t gauge Gavin’s strength, and Gavin had easily incapacitated him after one exchange, it was appropriate for him to address Gavin respectfully. 

Gabriel continued, “Sir, you’re here to kill the Harper family. But I’m not from the Harper family. I’m just a guest of the Harper family. 

“Sir, I have nothing to do with them. If you want to kill the Harper family, just do it. I won’t bother you. Please spare me.” 

Gabriel’s attitude had taken a complete turn. 

Just moments ago, he had been disdainful, and he was ready to kill Gavin and send him to join the deceased members of the Clifford family. 

However, after a single strike, he was eager to distance himself from the Harper family. 

The Harper family members were taken aback by Gabriel’s plea. Cameron even shouted out in anger. 

He asked, “Mr. Mason! What are you saying? 

“The Harper family has been pampering you with food and giving you everything you desire. We even provide you with 200 thousand dollars in cash every month! 

“And now, at this critical moment, you want to distance yourself from the Harper family?” 

Before he could finish speaking. Gabriel spoke up and interrupted him. 

He retorted, “What are you talking about? You gave me money and things willingly. I never asked for any of it. 

“Furthermore, when someone takes a life, he must be prepared to lose his own. You all had a part in eradicating the Clifford family back then, and now, a member of the Clifford family is killing you. It is only fair” 

After uttering this statement, Gabriel ignored the furious glare of the Harper family members and turned to Gavin with a placid expression. 

He asked, “Sir, would you agree? Isn’t that reasonable?” 

At the same time, Samuel, who was standing in the background, unleashed a furious roar. 

He shouted out, “Ah! Mr. Mason, you damn traitor! 

“If the Harper family falls today, you won’t survive either! 

“Don’t forget your involvement in the Clifford family’s affairs!” 

“Bullshit!” Gabriel retorted. He turned and shouted at Samuel in a hoarse voice. 

The two of them actually started arguing when they were facing Gavin 

Gabriel cried out, “I knew nothing about what happened back then! You can all rot for all I care! I’m leaving!” 

After saying that, Gabriel abruptly turned and dashed toward a window in the hall as if he were fleeing for his life. 

But just at that moment, a ghostly voice rang out once again. 

“Did I say you could leave?” 

After Gabriel heard those words, his entire body trembled, and his face turned deathly pale. Moreover, cold sweat poured down his forehead. 

However, he dared not look back. His eyes were fixated on the massive window. 

He couldn’t help but think to himself, “I must escape. If I can get out, I will survive.” 

However, at that moment, his hopeful expression dimmed. 

A figure resembling death appeared by the window. It was Gavin. 

In the next instant, Gavin raised his foot. 

With a thud, Gabriel’s chest collided with Gavin’s foot. 

Suddenly, a mouthful of blood was spat out. 

At that moment, Gabriel coughed up blood. He flew backward and landed heavily on the ground. 


He shouted out, “Ah!” 

As he lay on the ground, Gabriel spat out another mouthful of blood. In the next moment, he gazed up at Gavin, who was approaching. 

He said in a trembling voice, “This is… dark warrior. Is this the technique of the dark warrior? 

“Are you a Frostpeak Dark Warrior?” 

In the next moment, he shook his pale face repeatedly. 

He then said, “Impossible. It’s absolutely impossible. 

“Ten years ago, the Frostpeak Dark Warriors perished alongside the Thirty-Power Allied Forces at Sunspire. It’s absolutely impossible for them to have survived! 

“Impossible. It’s absolutely impossible.” 

Whether it was possible or not no longer mattered. 

Gavin had already arrived at Gabriel’s side and raised his foot high. 

Seeing Gavin’s impending fatal strike, Gabriel panicked. 

He shouted out, “You can’t kill me! 

“I’m from the Mason family of Greenwald. If you kill me… 

Gabriel then spat out a mouthful of blood. 

Before Gabriel could finish his words, Gavin’s right foot viciously pierced through his chest. 

As for what would happen to Gavin after killing Gabriel, Gavin didn’t care about it at all. 

After all, Gabriel had already died. 

After all that, Gavin turned slowly and directed his cold gaze toward the Harper family members. 

Seeing that, every person from the Harper family quivered. 

A series of sounds then followed. 

Except for Samuel and Cameron, every member of the Harper family kneeled. They pleaded frenziedly in Gavin’s direction. 

They shouted desperately, “Mr. Clifford, please don’t kill us! 


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