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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

When Harris heard how Brody addressed him, he frowned. Then, he gazed at the excited Brody in front of him. With a deep voice, he spoke. 

“Brody, how many times have I told you? I no longer desire to take on apprentices, so don’t waste your time anymore and please leave. I don’t want to see you again.” 

On the other hand, Brody, with no sign of disappointment on his face, instead wore a smile and spoke. 

“Master Myers, whether you accept me or not, I don’t really mind! Today, I’m here to tell you something. 

“It’s just that I’ve found something good, and I’d like to offer it to you.” 

With that, Brody slowly placed the box that the dead Wayne had given him at the pharmacy on Harris’s desk. Then, he slowly opened the box’s lid. 

A peculiar fragrance wafted from the box immediately. 

Actually, Harris had initially intended to decline, but the scent entered his nostrils, leaving him momentarily stunned. 

He immediately bent down to examine it. 

The next moment, Harris’s pupils displayed a look of shock, and he exclaimed. 

“What? Is this wild coptis herb? Oh my god!” 

“Master Myers, you have a sharp eye!” At this time, Brody seized the opportunity to praise Harris. 

He looked at Harris with a knowing smile. It seemed that things were going to go smoothly then. 

Harris donned a pair of pale gloves and glasses seemingly conjured out of thin air. 

He delicately lifted the coptis herb from the box and examined it closely. 

As time passed, his expression of amazement became even more pronounced, and he exclaimed. 

“This is pure, natural, and wild coptis herb? 

“And judging by its quality, it’s been preserved for at least fifty years?” 

“What? Fifty years?” 

Brody was slightly taken aback by Harris’s words. 

He remembered that Wayne had told him at the Bailey Pharmacy that the coptis herb was only twenty years old. 

Of course, Brody knew that Harris’s eyesight was much better than the pharmacists in the Bailey Pharmacy. Observing Harris’s current demeanor, Brody felt assured, and the smile on his face became even more pronounced. 

It seemed like his chances of becoming Harris’s apprentice today had just improved a bit more. 

Then, he added fuel to the fire and spoke. 

“Of course! 

“Master Myers, if it weren’t for such a precious item, why would I offer it to you? 

“For this little thing, I even spent 800 thousand dollars!” 

Actually, the 800 thousand dollars were not Brody’s money. 

This was Gavin’s money. 

However, Gavin didn’t end up spending any money in the end. In fact, he even made a profit because Joshua’s bank account had way more than 800 thousand dollars. 

But Brody was unaware of this 

Besides, he even felt pleased with himself. 

After all, he hadn’t spent a single penny. 

Harris, on the other hand, seemed not to have registered Brody’s words. 

His expression of joy became even in 


However, hus joy did not only come from the rare 30-year-old coptis herb in his hand. 

The most crucial aspect was that he finally had a chance 

Harris couldn’t help but be happy and thought to himself. “With this item, could Gavin finally accept me as his apprentice?” 


11 1 

That was right. 

Surprisingly, Harris had the same thought as Brody at this moment. 

However, Brody wanted to use the item to persuade Harris to accept him as an apprentice. 

If Brody knew what was on Harris’s mind, if he knew that the Gavin Harris mentioned was the same person he had met today, his expression might have been quite different. 

Brody, watching Harris who had been silent for a while, asked again. 

“Master Myers, do you like the item?” 

“Yes, I do.” Harris instinctively replied. 

But the next moment, he realized his response and cleared his throat. 

“Brody, you’ve done well with this.” 

Seeing Harris nodding in satisfaction, Brody felt even more delighted and quickly asked. 

“Master Myers, can you accept me as your apprentice now?” 

Upon hearing Brody’s question, Harris hesitated for a moment and then spoke. 

“Brody, I’ll consider the idea of taking you as my apprentice. 

“Right now, I have something very important to attend to. Can you wait for my answer after I’m done?” 

And so, Harris, in a hurry, pushed the bewildered Brody out of his house. 

Could there be something more important than the coptis herb? 

But, Harris had already wavered in his decision, and Brody felt relieved. 

However, Brody noticed that Harris, who was originally supposed to stay at home, left in a hurry, clutching the box Brody had just given him. It was as if he was going to meet someone or take the item somewhere special. 

Driven by curiosity, Brody stealthily followed Harris’s footsteps. 

Inside the apartment building rented by Gavin. 

Gavin was already back. 

Although Gavin didn’t manage to acquire the coptis herb today, he had collected a large basket of other medicinal herbs, which could be used to start treating Kris’s injuries. 

Gavin hoped that by healing her injuries sooner, he could help Kris regain her consciousness. Once Kris regained her consciousness, Gavin could inquire about the Conor family’s whereabouts. By then, he would have a more thorough understanding of the secrets surrounding the annihilation of the Clifford family. 

Gavin made some adjustments in the morning, and inside the room, Kris had not regained consciousness yet. 

Zoe, seeing Gavin coming back to the room, spoke out clearly. 

“Gavin, you’re back! Did you encounter any trouble?” 

Zoe was more concerned about Gavin’s well-being. 

Gavin wore a smile on his face and shook his head slowly as he spoke. 

“I’m fine. How’s Aunt Kris doing?” 


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