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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 

Zachary and Caius, with their terrifying expressions, witnessed a scene so unbelievable that they couldn’t help but exclaim in astonishment. 

“What? No way!” 

“This can’t be. This absolutely can’t be! I don’t believe it!” 

When they saw what happened, even Zachary and Caius’s voices trembled. 

They were both warriors and could tell that Gavin’s previous display was just a burst of aura. 

But how could a mere burst of aura send all the expert warriors flying? 

These were expert warriors, people far beyond the reach of ordinary people. 

Regular warriors couldn’t compare to them at all. 

Even Zachary, who had practiced for decades, had only recently reached the level of an expert warrior. 

Moreover, with a total of eight expert warriors, they held the power to do whatever they wanted in Brookspring. 

But unexpectedly, they were easily blasted away by a sudden burst of power from Gavin alone. Their condition was dire. 

They were coughing up blood and lying wounded on the ground. 

This would require at least a supreme warrior’s strength, wouldn’t it? 

How old was Gavin? 

He was barely in his twenties. How could he possess such incredible power? 

In fact, not even a supreme warrior could achieve such a feat with just a burst of aura. 

However, Zachary had never seen a supreme warrior in action, so his current limitations limited his imagination. 

At this moment, Gavin appeared completely unscathed. He gazed at Zachary and Caius with cold eyes and calmly asked. 

“So, are any of you planning to make a move?” 

Gavin’s words were delivered with a calm and low tone, but they struck a heavy blow to the hearts of Zachary and Caius. 

They remembered how they had taunted Gavin, calling him a fool, and even with the backing of ten powerful allies, he had driven them away, facing them alone. 

Wasn’t that tantamount to seeking death? 

They had even threatened to dismember Gavin’s body. 

Now, as they observed the expert warriors deeply embedded in the walls or lying on the floor, bleeding profusely and on the brink of death, they realized that it was not just a matter of humiliation. 

They were about to meet their end. 

Zachary and Caius exchanged a glance, and in their eyes, a wry smile emerged. 

They had not expected Gavin to possess such incredible strength. 

But quickly, their faces twisted into expressions of mockery and malevolence as they shouted loudly at Gavin. 

“Gavin, we acknowledge your strength, but…. 

“Do you think killing us will end everything? 

“Let us tell you, if we die here, you will immediately face an endless pursuit for revenge. Many are ready to avenge us! 

“It’s not just you who will die! 

“That woman from the Conor family whom you rescued and everyone connected to you, Gavin, will all meet their demise! 

“They will all become lost souls!” 

They had just finished their words. However, the next moment, they were met with astonishment. 

Gavin, who had been standing still suddenly disappeared. 

Zachary became extremely alert, looking around frantically 

Pife But then, with a muffled sound. Zachary felt a warmth on his face 

He toured it and found has hand stained with crimson blood 

He turned has head in an instant and uw Caius, who had been standing beside him Caius now had wide, hidelen eyes, a pale 


Chapter 64 

face, a forehead drenched in sweat, and blood continuously oozing from his mouth and nose, splattering onto Zachary 


With a thud, Caius’s lifeless body fell to the ground, his eyes staring blankly. 

Gavin, who had been standing behind Caius, reappeared. 

When Zachary met Gavin’s gaze, his body started trembling uncontrollably. 

“You… you… 

Zachary stammered, and even his teeth began to chatter. 

Gavin looked at Zachary and spoke slowly. 

“Listen carefully. I’ll ask this once.” 

Gavin refrained from attacking Zachary directly because Brooke had told him that the Holman family had been one of the dominant leaders among the few major families in Brookspring. 

“Why did you target the Clifford family? Who else was involved in attacking the Clifford family, besides you?” 

Zachary’s body trembled slightly. 

He gazed into Gavin’s eyes and took a step back, his voice quivering 

“You… you can’t kill me… You can’t… Gavin… you…” 

Gavin, while listening to Zachary’s voice, raised an eyebrow 

He noticed Zachary’s subtle movements. 

Zachary had something concealed in his sleeve, and it appeared as if he was manipulating it. 

Swoosh! In a swift motion, Gavin’s figure suddenly appeared by Zachary’s side. 


Zachary’s agonized scream rang out. 

His right forearm had twisted at a grotesque angle, and his screams were as if he were trying to grind his molars. 

The object in his hand was now in Gavin’s palm. 

Gavin was surprised to find that it was a small communication device. 

Gavin immediately brought the communicator to his ear and spoke into it. 

“Who is it?” 


With a snap, just as Gavin finished speaking, the communicator in his hand burst into flames and exploded. Fortunately, as a high-level warrior, Gavin possessed a powerful body-protection energy that shielded him from any harm. Clearly, the communicator and the one on the other end were capable of mutual control. 

The person on the other end of the communicator heard Gavin’s voice and immediately activated the self-destruct mechanism. 

Gavin gripped Zachary’s neck with one hand, pulling him, an expert warrior, up from the ground. 

His voice, dark as the underworld, demanded. 


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