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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 

Gavin poured out all the medicine that had been brewed. 

This was because these herbs were not meant to be used by Gavin. 

this scene, he would be heartbroken. 

The 30-year-old coptis herb that was made from such a rare medicinal herbs was actually poured out just like that? 

What a waste of such a treasure! 

However, what Gavin needed was the medicinal dregs and medicinal paste after surviving 

Treating external injuries required applying it all over Kris’s body. 

There were only Kris and Gavin in the room. 

Originally, Gavin had planned to treat Kris’s injuries while she was asleep. 

After all, applying the medicinal paste required removing all of Kris’s clothes. 

However, he did not expect Kris to wake up just like that. 

A pair of ignorant and bright eyes stared straight at Gavin. 

That was his aunt! His blood-related aunt! 

Good lord! The way his aunt looked at him now actually made Gavin feel guilty. 

It was as if he was going to do something bad to his aunt. 


Gavin just wanted to treat Kris’s injuries. It was that simple. 

“Ahem! Ahem!* 

Meanwhile, Gavin cleared his throat awkwardly. 

He said, “Aunt, erm. I’m going to treat your injuries next. Don’t think too much about it! 

“I might take it off later.” 

Gavin wanted to explain. 

Even though Kris might be delirious and did not know what she was doing. 

However, for the sake of his conscience, Gavin felt that it was better for him to say it. 

However, he did not expect this either. 

Halfway through her sentence, Kris actually moved. 

This action was nothing else. 

Kris got up from the bed. 

She reached out and quickly took off all her clothes! 

Her actions were so fast that even Gavin was shocked. 

Gavin looked at the beautiful body in front of him and could not remain calm. 

Kris seemed to have spun around. front of Gavin to let him see more clearly 

“Ahem! Ahem! Gavin cleared his throat again. 

“Well don’t move Lie down Lie still on the bed’ 

Even though Eric’s entire body was cove definately let their desire take over them 

hideous scars, if any man other than Gavin saw this scene, they would 

Actually Gavin could ine the same method to make Kris lose consciousness as in the morning 

However this method of making people lose consciousness immediately could not be used on the same person repeatedly 

This would probably cause irreversible damage to the other party’s brain. 

Therefore Gavis could only do tha 

ris was very older and lay on the bed quietly 

Cavid here and a deep barath Hicryesorgained clarity 

The next second, Gavin’s gaze locked onto the hideous scars. 

Even though Gavin had seen this scar many times, he still could not calm the anger in his heart. 

Gavin exhaled slightly upon seeing the scars. 

He tried to warn Kris in beforehand and say, “Erm. You might feel a little pain later, but bear with it. It’ll be over quick.” 

Kris did not answer him. 

“Erm… I’ll get started then.” 

As he spoke, Gavin reached out and smeared the medicinal paste on the medicine jar. Then, starting from the scar on Kris’s neck, he gently applied the medicinal paste on her body. 

The medicinal paste wrapped around the scar on Kris’s body. 

Kris frowned slightly and her face turned pale. She let out a soft moan that sounded like pain. 

A wisp of panic and fear appeared in her eyes, as if this pain had reminded Kris of some tragic experience. 

However, she saw clearly that the person who was applying medicine on her was Gavin. 

Her eyes cleared again. 

She slowly closed her eyes. 

This was an unexplainable trust she had in Gavin! 

Kris’s moaning voice would easily make anyone think to much. 

However, Gavin did not seem to hear her at all. 

He had already entered a state of extreme concentration. 

His hand was constantly smearing medicinal paste on Kris’s scars. 

He should make sure he applied them right on the scars. 

Because Gavin knew what effect the prescription he had chosen would have. 

It could work wonders on scars, but it might cause additional damage to intact skin. 

Therefore, Gavin could not make any mistakes. 

Fortunately, Gavin was Gavin after all. 

He could connect Harris’s fingers without any high-end equipment. 

Not to mention applying the medicine perfectly. 

However, even so, it took nearly two hours to apply medicine on Kris’s entire body! 

Two hours passed. Kris seemed to be wrapped in medicinal mud. 

Streaks of medicinal paste replaced the hideous scars from before. 

It would take some time for the medicine to take effect, but Gavin did not intend to waste this time. 

He slowly took out an object that looked like a roller. In this object, there were dense silver needles! 

After taking out these silver needles, Gavin looked out of the door. 

He called out, “Zoc!” 

Soon, Gavin’s younger sister, Zoe, ran in from outside. 

Zoe looked at Kris on the bed and felt a lump in her throat. Her eyes were filled with pity. She felt sorry for her aunt. 

On the other side, Gavin handed the empty medicine jar to Zoe. 

He said, “Next, I’m going to perform a set of acupuncture techniques called the Life Resurrection Needles” 

“When I perform this acupuncture technique, no one is to disturb me, Zoe. Do you understand 


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