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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 

The plain, low, and hoarse words naturally came from Gavin’s mouth. 

At that, Christopher’s entire body shuddered violently, and he turned instantly. 

Somehow, Gavin had already appeared behind Christopher. Gavin was supposed to have engaged in a fight with that group of people, right? How could he possibly have beaten them? But why was his voice now coming from behind Christopher? 


It wasn’t clear if it was because Christopher was startled, but he let out a scream and swung his fist heavily toward Gavin. 

“Thud!” A muffled sound came out. 


Christopher spat out blood, and his body, like a kite with a broken string, was sent flying, 

Christopher crashed heavily to the ground and emitted a painful cry. 

“Ah! It hurts so much!” 

He clutched his right forearm with his left hand. 

Surprisingly, his right fist had been completely shattered! 

And Gavin hadn’t even made a move. Christopher’s fist had struck Gavin’s chest squarely. 

However, it seemed as if Christopher had used all his strength, and he had struck his fist on a mountain made of steel. 

Gavin hadn’t budged an inch, and Christopher’s right hand was now completely useless. 

Christopher stared at Gavin in terror and shouted. 


“It can’t be! I don’t believe it! How could it be like that? 

“How could you be a high-level warrior?” 

What was impossible about this? 

Gavin’s body-protection energy was real. 

Just as Christopher finished saying these words, the cries in the air and the sounds of punches abruptly stopped. 

Feeling puzzled, Christopher immediately looked around, and a more terrifying scene unfolded before him. 

Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, there were the bodies of Southland Army Warriors, and the warriors Chad had brought. 

The air was filled with a thick smell of blood. 

Even someone like Christopher, who had experienced battles, felt his stomach churn! 

In the middle of the battlefield, apart from Gavin and his ten followers, only Chad stood still. 

Christopher looked at Chad as if he had seen hope. 

However, he didn’t notice that Chad hadn’t taken action. Instead, he believed that Chad had survived the attacks of these powerful warriors and could stand there, proving his true strength. 

On the other side, Christopher suddenly turned around, gritting his teeth and shouting at Gavin. 

“Gavin, how dare you! Do you know who these people you’ve killed are? They are all Southland Army Warriors!” 

What was the point of hum saying this meaningless stuff now! 

Chantopher didn’t think this threat was meaningless at all. He continued. 

“You’ve wiped out all of Southland Army at Brookspring Rattlefield! 

“After Southland Overlord finds out, he will be furious! 

He will definitely send a million warriors from the Southland Army to hunt you down to the ends of the rant! You’ll never 

“Cherish your last muan 

After saying 

Christopher suddenly leapest into the air, flying directly toward chudi 

Chapter 78 

The threats Christopher had just made were meant to evoke fear in Gavin’s heart, so Gavin wouldn’t notice Christopher, and Christopher would find a chance to escape. 

However, Christopher’s escape direction was surprisingly toward Chad. 

On the other side, Christopher, clutching his right hand, urgently shouted to Chad with hope. 

“Hey, man, save me! Take me with you!” 

Chad looked at Christopher sprinting toward him and slightly curled his lips. 

Then, Chad lifted his right foot. 

Christopher rushed forward quickly, too fast to evade. 

“Plop!” Christopher collided squarely with Chad’s foot. 

In terms of warrior strength, it seemed that Chad was even stronger than Christopher, and now Christopher was heavily injured. 

Of course, he couldn’t withstand it. 


A mouthful of blood sprayed from Christopher’s mouth and nose again. 

He fell back to where he had dropped from. 

Christopher’s face turned pale, and he looked at Chad in disbelief. 



In his frustration, he spat out another mouthful of blood. 

Then, in Christopher’s shocked and despairing gaze, Chad knelt down slowly and loudly spoke to Gavin. 

“I am Chad Tate, paying respects to the Dark Lord!” 

Christopher was dumbfounded. 

Wasn’t Chad from the Blade Alliance? 

The Blade Alliance leader even hired warriors to chase down Gavin! 

But why was Chad kneeling before Gavin? 

Fortunately, those warriors were long dead. 

If they had seen this scene before their deaths, would they have turned into vengeful spirits? 

Regardless, Christopher’s mind was now blank. 


A light sound came, and Christopher’s pupils trembled slightly 


This was Gavin’s heavy footsteps. 

Christopher had already seen Gavin slowly approaching him, step by step. 


The third step was as if the tolling of a death knell, coming closer to Christopher. 

Finally, driven by fear. Christopher made a sharp cry again 

“Gavin’ I am not just the Vice Commander of the Southland Army, I am also a member of the Dawson family! 

“My father is an expert warrior, and we have three expert warriors in my family If you kill me, the Southland Army wort spare you, and my father won’t spare you rather 

Even at das moment. Christopher was still threatening Gavin! 

Moreover, Christopher was using Gavin’s already des cased father to threaten Cavin? 

ninis side, be niervsfully spoke to Christopher 


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