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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 

Riverrum & number one thug 

When they heard this title, the expressions of Gavin and Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team, D’s members beland him became a little strange

Only the Frostpeak Dark Warriors knew how many thugs in the world had died at the hands of the Frosipeak Dark Warriors

The person who spoke slowly came to the front of the crowd, along with his voice

This was a man in his thirties with a parted hairstyle

He was wearing a uniform and looked very glamorous

Most importantly, the expression on this man’s face was filled with arrogance

He had already stepped in front of the dozens of men in black

Then, he took out an ID that belonged exclusively to the Warrior Surveillance Bureau

Then, he raised it at Gavin and said in a disdainful tone, The Warrior Surveillance Bureau is handling this case

Those who have nothing to do with it, get lost

Prisoner Gavin Clifford, raise your hands and kneel on the ground!” 

This man certainly had a strong air of authority

When Gavin and his men from the Frostpeak Dark Warriors heard this, none of them moved. They only looked at the man who spoke indifferently

This person saw that the people opposite him did not have any reaction after hearing his words

It felt like the other party had directly ignored him

He had the ID of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau in his hand


The man spat out a mouthful of crap and houted at Gavin Clifford, Don’t you understand human language

Tm Cannon Meyers, the leader of the First Operation Team from the Brookspring branch of the Warrior Surveillance 


I’m ordering you on behalf of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau

Gavin Clifford, raise your hands and kneel down. The rest of you, scram! Don’t be a fucking eyesore here!” 

The way Cannon spoke reminde Gavin of certain bastards who were dressed well and relied on their powers to bully the hardworking people

This Cannon Meyers was the perfect portrayal of that

Here, Gavin deliberately turned his head and said to Harry, What’s the Warrior Surveillance Bureau? Is it famous

Hearing Gavin’s words, Harry also deliberately said frivolously. The Warrior Surveillance Bureau? Eh? I don’t think I’ve heard of it.” 

The conversation between Gavin and Harry seemed to have made Cannon feel extremely insulted. Cannon directly roared


tou sons of baches

Do you know what the Warrior Surveillance Bureau represents

We are from the government

You’re just some lowly commoners who have some skills with fighting. How dare you go against the government 

You’re cearting deathAll of you! Don’t even think about leaving today! Kneel down and lie on the ground 

Gavin thought, So what if he represented the government

Wasn’t the current government promoted by the socalled lowly commoners

Now that the country is stable, you’re starting to raise underlings to bully those who feed you?” 

Gavin Clifford dropped the smile on his face and looked at Cannon expressionlessly. Then, Gavin shrugged and said, I don’t understand what you’re saying. Why should we kneel?” 

Cannon looked at Gavin with a ferocious expression and shouted, Gavin Clifford, you still have the cheek to ask mel 

You’ve just returned to Brookspring, yet three prominent families of Brookspring with thousands of people have died at your handst 

How can the people of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau allow such a thug to cause trouble in the world

Come back to the Warrior Surveillance Bureau with us! You’ll be judged by just trial!” 

Just trial?mused Gavin

For some reason, when Gavin heard these words, he seemed unable to hold himself back from sneering at it

Gavin doubted that not even Cannon believed in the words coming out of his mouth

Gavin still looked at Cannon and said indifferently, You say I did it, but does that mean I did it? Where’s the evidence?” 

When Cannon heard Gavin’s words, Cannon sneered and said, There are many witnesses who saw it! The witnesses even told us that you admitted to being Gavin Clifford from the Clifford family of Brookspring that day

Do you still want to deny it?” 

Gavin looked at Cannon and said ind ferently again. There are many witnesses

But we have many people here who saw that it was you, Cannon Meyers, who killed all those families.” 

After Gavin said this, Harry and the others behind him immediately concurred loudly with Gavin

That’s right. We saw it! It was Cannor. Meyers!” 

Cannon Meyers is the killer!” 

There was a moment of silence

Hearing the voices of Gavin and the others, the expression on Cannon’s face became even more distorted. Cannon squeezed out a hideous smile and gritted his teeth, saying, Okay

Okay! You’re quibbling, aren’t you

Let me tell you! Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, the Warrior Surveillance Bureau can still find something out for you. Hmph


ditbord your walida 

The find tha 

i was talking about 

acourse they could do it. They were from the government. Cavin and the others were not some Tawly commoners whic Karw a little fighting skill. How could they defeat the government

Unfortunately, Gavin and the Frostpeak Dark Warriors behin 

him wi 

nlinary lowly columon n‘ 

At tha moment. Cannon did not realize the seriousness of the matter all. He directly shouted at the dozens of men in black around him saying. Everyone listen up The lowly commoner 

brutally killed the nobles of the three prominent families of Brookspring Now, he’s currently violently resisting investigations conducted by the Warrior Surveillance Bureau” 

Violently resising investigations?Gavin and his men thought

Gavin Harry and the others didn’t do anything from start to finish 

Oh well, weren’t we already labeled as such?were their thoughts


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