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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 

When the surrounding people heard Claire’s voice, the expression on their faces was strange

They were wondering who this crazy person was who was running around naked in the middle of the night

However, if nothing else was said, this person had a decent figure and good looks

It was a pity that she wasted such beauty

Of course, there were also many men on the streets who had appreciationin their eyes and were drooling

Many people even took out their phones to take photos

Claire turned a blind eye to all this and ran quickly towards her destination

The reason was because she was afraid

She was afraid to death

Claire did not know if the man who had displayed such terrifying strength at her house was still following her

She wanted to turn around and take a look, but she knew her strength. How could she catch sight of his figure

Although Claire no longer cared because she was afraid of death, there were people who cared

For example, Violet, who was wearing the same uniform that belonged to the National Security Bureau, was currently driving the government patrol car

When Violet saw Claire, she slammed on the brakes and almost hit the telephone pole beside her

Her first reaction was a shout of She’s crazy! Who is this woman? Why is she running around naked at night

Good lord. Is this how benefits are given out?” 

But soon, this employee of the National Security Bureau recognized Claire


She subconsciously exclaimed and slapped her forehead

Isn’t this the eldest daughter of the Dawson family?” 

She could not believe her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and pinched her thigh. Only then did she confirm that the naked girl in 

front of her was Claire

The Dawson family was one of the Four Greatest Families of Brookspring 

And Claire was the Dawson family’s eldest daughter

How could such a noble person do such a thing

Not only did Claire do such a thing, but she even attracted a group of people to watch and film

What should I do?” 

The employee instantly panicked

She knew the Dawson family’s social status in Brookspring

Chapter 92 

This kind of thing would damage the Dawson family’s reputation

If this matter blew up and people of the Dawson family got angry, then Brookspring would be in big trouble

Obviously, this employee did not know that the entirety of the Dawson family had been exterminated

She instantly came to her senses, opened the car door, and rushed out

As she ran in the direction of Claire, she shouted at the top of her lungs

Stop filming

Stop looking

Stop fucking filming

Do you know who she is?” 

However, when she said this, the employee did not dare to say anything else

She was afraid that others did not know Claire’s identity, but if she said it out loud, it would make the Dawson family a laughingstock in the end

At that time, the higherups would find out she was responsible for it

Therefore, the employee immediately rushed towards Claire

As she took off her coat, she put it on Claire and said anxiously, Ms. Dawson, what’s wrong

What happened? Hurry up and put on the clothes!” 

On the other hand, Claire completely ignored the employee’s good intentions

She was even very anxious and pushed this employee away fiercely

Claire’s push was so strong that the employee from the National Security Bureau actually fell to the ground on her butt

Claire shouted hysterically. Leave me alone

Get lost! Get lost!” 

She even hurriedly tore off the clothes on her and tossed them to the side

Then, under the employee’s shocked gaze, Claire turned around, facing the direction behind her, and knelt down

She said in a panic, I didn’t

Im not wearing any clothes. I didn’t accept anyone’s help. Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!” 

She even Lowtowed three times on the ground

Then, without another word, Claire stood up and ran straight ahead

However, there was no one else behind her

This employee was completely dumbfounded. What just happened

At the same time, in the apartment rented by Gavin, Zoe exclaimed in surprise. Gavin, look at this woman. She seems to be 

the woman from the department store that day. What’s wrong with her? Why isn’t she wearing any clothes?” 

That’s right, because Claire’s matter had caused a huge commotion, many people even started livestreaming it online


At home. Layla and Zoe naturally saw the live broadcast of Claire running around naked

The two girls looked at the current Claire and blushed

Of course, the intense curiosity and surprise made them unable to stop looking 

On the other side, Layla also exclaimed, She seems to be the eldest daughter of Brookspring’s Dawson family. What. What’s going on?” 

Gavin had already returned to his rented apartment. At this moment, he was also looking at the live broadcast in the hands of the two women, with a strange expression on his face

Looking at the two people looking at him, Gavin shrugged his hands innocently and shook his head, saying, I don’t know 


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