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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 

Gavin was unaware of what had happened outside his room

He could only lie quietly in his bed with unspeakable anguish

It was sheer torment for him

Meanwhile, a palefaced Claire finally saw the road sign constructed exclusively for the Mason family. The purpose was to lead others to their mansion

Looking up at the seemingly brightening sky, Claire seemed to have seen a glimmer of hope

By that moment, Claire could no longer speak. Her lips were parched and dry. Her thoughts were so muddled that she was unable to express herself clearly

She had been running nonstop, and she did not even know when she lost her shoes

Her battered feet were soaked in blood

However, Claire no longer felt any pain. She had reached a point where the intensity of her suffering left her physically 


She had stopped running a long time ago

If she ran any further, she would collapse and die

Claire no longer had the strength to walk steadily. She staggered from tree to tree for support, inching her way toward the road sign

By the time she reached Greenwald, it was already dawn

Soon, many people at Greenwald gathered around her

Finally, Claire saw the door of the mansion belonged to the Mason family

With a loud thud, she collapsed in front of the door

Claire lay undressed, her body sprawled on the ground, facing upward. In a state of distress, she looked up at the sky and panted heavily. 

The men leered at her, grinning lasciviously

Meanwhile, the Mason family had just finished eating breakfast in the mansion. Kieren Mason, the eldest son in the Mason family, and Warren Mason, his fourth brother, placed their cutlery on the table

Just then, someone rushed into the mansion, crying out frantically 

Oh no! Mr. Kieren! Mr. Warren! Something terrible has happened?” 

Kieren and Warren turned to look at the door simultaneously and frowned

Kieren looked at the servant coldly

Why are you looking so flustered

It’s so early in the morning. How can anything terrible happen?” 

The servant tried to catch is breath

Theythere are many people outside the door. Everyone is watching. They all want to join in the fun.” 


Puzzled, the two brothers looked at each other

Warren asked, Join in the fun? What’s so exciting outside the mansion? This is Greenwald. Who dares to come here to have 


The servant replied, There’s a woman. The woman is not wearing any clothes. She’s lying outside at the door. She wants to see the person in charge of the Mason family

Those people watching outside the mansion think that the Mason family has done something wrong to this woman. They must be criticizing us,” 


Hearing that, Kieren and Warren slammed their hands on the table and dashed out of the mansion

Just as the servant described, they saw a disheveled woman, whose feet were covered in blood, lying sprawled at the doorstep of the mansion. She was not wearing any clothes

There was a large group of onlookers standing near the door, gesticulating at the door

Oh my, the Mason family must be very influential and powerful in Greenwald. Who is this girl that they bullied?” 

How can you do this to her? They have left her here in such a sorry state.” 

Let’s expose them We should tell everyone what kind of people the Mason family is.” 

Hearing the chatters in the crowd, Kieren and Warren frowned

Warren walked up to Claire

He looked down at Claire’s body and grimaced

Who are you

Why did you appear at the door of our family mansion without any notice? Why did you frame us?” 

Claire looked up at Warren 

She replied hoarsely, You. Are you the person in charge of this family?” 

Hearing this, the corners of Warren’s eyes twitched uncomfortably

He replied in a loud voice, “I’m the fourth son of the Mason family, Warren Mason. You can tell me what you want.” 

Hearing this, Claire’s eyes stirred

Tears started streaming down her face

She mustered all her strength to stand up and started sobbing, tears flowing down her cheeks

Mr. Warren, you have to help me. Please

I need your support. You must help me. I’m from the Dawson family in Brookspring.” 

Everyone was astonished to hear what Claire said

Both Kieren and Warren’s pupils constricted in shock

Warren immediately turned around and looked at Kieren, who called out to the servants

Bring this woman into the mansion.” 

Kieren immediately instructed the servant to bring Claire into the house

Send these people away. Make sure they don’t say anything about this incident. If anyone dares to spout nonsense, we will not let them off!” 

Yes, Mr. Kieren,” 

Indeed, the Mason family was capable of threatening the people and making sure they kept quiet about the matter

The onlookers only dared to talk among themselves. No one dared to offend the Mason family

Meanwhile, Claire lay completely limp in the courtyard inside the mansion. Her body resembled a lifeless form that had surrendered to exhaustion

Everyone in the Mason family looked at her, displeased. No one bothered to give her any clothes to wear

Warren then started to question her

What’s going on

Why are you in this state

Where’s my brother?” 

Obviously, Warren knew Zavian had gone to help the Dawson family the day before

Although Zavian said he was heading to Brookspring to help the Dawson family, his intention was to hunt Gavin down and 

kill him

Since then, Kieren and Warren had not received any news of both Zavian and Ethan. Instead, they now faced a disheveled Claire

Claire’s voice was hoarse


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