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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 

As for Cannon

At this moment, Cannon had already entered a silly state

He stared blankly at the charred corpse on the ground

He knew that this corpse was his vicecaptain

It was a powerful helper from the Warrior Surveillance Bureau that he had found

However, the helper he had found had died in front of him

Suddenly, he seemed to recall what Gavin had told him yesterday

Don’t bother Gavin

Otherwise, he would have to bear the consequences

What would the consequences be

Now, Cannon understood

At this moment, his thoughts were completely drowned by despair

Looking at Gavin walking towards him, he knew that he would definitely die today

Since he could no longer live, what was there to be afraid of


This Cannon actually laughed

This laughter sounded so stiff and harsh. 

Coupled with his pale face, it was unknown how much of a smile there was in his laughter

On the other side. Gavin had already come to Cannon’s problem and asked symbolically

What are you laughing at?” 

This Cannon seemed to be waiting for Gavin to ask him this question

He also smiled and said, I’m laughing at you


Are you laughing at me 

This time, it was Gavin’s turn to be puzzled

Looking at Gavin’s confusion, Cannon gritted his teeth

He said, Tin laughing at you. You’re about to die, and you don’t even know it yourself!” 

Hearing Cannon’s words, the members of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D behind Gavin had strange expressions on their 


Looking at Cannon who was limp on the ground, they felt that this person was probably a fool, right

At this time, the person who was going to die was clearly you, Cannon, righti 

How dare he threaten the Dark Lord at this time

What, did he get something better than an electromagnetic gun

Cannon did not intend to wait for Gavin to ask him a question

Instead, he said. Do you know who mur vicecaptain is?” 

Gavin did not know 

Gavin didn’t need to know either

Anyone who stopped Gavin from taking revenge would have to bear the consequences, Gavin said that he had to do it

When Cannon saw that Gavin was completely asking him, he took the initiative to speak again as if he was answering his 

own question 

He’s from Emperion! He’s from Emperion’s Barry family. He was sent to Brookspring to train 

You’re dead! Gavin! Hah! You can call the wind and rain in Brookspring, but he’s from Emperion

You’ve already provoked the Emperion Barry family. How can you not di 

Emperion, the Barry family?” 

A curious look appeared in Gavin’s eyes as he muttered softly

Lastening to Gavin’s murmur, Cannon sneered and said

Why? Are you afraid now? Do you know how powerful the Emperion families are

It’s too late! Gavin! You will definitely dieť 

He thought that Gavin was afraid of the Barry family

Unexpectedly, Gavin looked at March and asked, Is this Emperion Barry family very famous?” 


Hearing Gavin’s innocent question, Cannon’s laughter stopped abruptly, as if someone had pinched his neck

He knew that he was definitely going to die today. When he was about to die, he wanted to look at Gavin’s terrified 


It would make him die a little more comfortably 

However, the other par 

did not seem to have heard of the Barry family at all

It was as if he had used his strength to hit cotton before he died

Cannon did not briseve it and roared, Impossible! How can you not have heard of the Emperion Barry family

You’re just being pretentious, aren’t you? You’re actually already very afraid

Gavin looked at Cannon in front of him with a sympathetic expression, as if he was looking at a smartass 

From Gavin’s eyes. Cannon could tell that the other party had 

lly never heard of the Barry family 

In this world, there was actually someone in the Blearus who had never heard of the name of the Emperion powerful family

This person still had such powerful strength. How could he be like this

That’s the Emperion Barry family, the Emperion Barry family! The Barry family can call the wind and summon the rain in the entire Blearus. Even if the head of the Barry family coughs, the Blearus will be shaken three times!” 

Cannon still did not believe it and wanted Gavin to understand his situation

However, it was useless

Gavin looked at Cannon and smiled

Oh? Really? Is the Barry family so powerful?” 

Cannon thought that Gavin was afraid at this moment. He immediately nodded heavily and said loudly. That’s right. The Barry family is so powerful!” 

But in the next second, a peaceful smile appeared on Gavin’s face

Then I’ll wait for them here at Brookspring!” 

It’s over…. 

Cannon was now sure that Gavin did not take the Barry family seriously at all

A desperate smile appeared on his face

Even if he wanted to see Gavin’s timid look before he died, this wish was impossible

However, he did not believe it

Cannon’s pupils immediately constricted as he revealed a ferocious expression

He roared at Gavin, You will definitely die in the hands of the Barry family! You will never be able to reincarnate!” 

After Cannon finished shouting, his energy point instantly exploded. Blood splattered and he died

It wasn’t Gavin who made a move. It was Cannon who committed suicide


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