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The Supreme God novel Chapter 97

Hang on a second, WHAT?

What the hell was he doing?

Every single member of the audience was nonplussed on noticing Austin's weird behavior. They fixated their sights on him and stared with curiosity all over them.

"Well then. Do what you must. I can already tell you that it will be in vain!"

Billy yelled confidently. He gazed at Austin and locked him under his killing intent, spear held still in his hand. For a second, he didn't move, allowing Austin to continue. But there was something about him!

At that moment, he was flashing the demeanor and bearing that a powerful cultivator should have. Mighty, graceful, and confident.

The audience gazed at him in admiration. Those who had placed a bet on his win getting more and more excited.

The female disciples, who were crazy fans of him were fascinated head over heels now.

Amid the chatter of the crowd, their squeals could be clearly heard," Billy is so dashing!"

"I am Billy's greatest fan! I am gonna be on his side forever!"

Billy's companions felt proud too. They stood tall with heads held high. One could almost get the notion that the girls were chasing them and not Billy from their proud expressions.

Seeing the crowd's supportive attitude, Billy was pleased of himself. He held his spear still, looking at Austin disdainfully out of the corner of his eye. In his eyes, the battle was already won and he just had to drop one last blow.

However, Austin didn't care about the chatter, or indeed about Billy's point of view. He used the Wind-commanding Skill he had learned to fend off the rapidly building up pressure. At the same time, all his vital energy was now concentrated between his hands, swirling and billowing, in numerous strands of light.

Suddenly, a hum and clang rang out just as the shimmering strands between his hands joined together into one big ball.

With a burst of dazzling golden light, a radiant, three-layer pagoda appeared over Austin's palms.

There was something unusual and frightening about the pagoda. It sent a shiver down the spines of everyone who saw it, almost as if it was a malevolent entity.

For unknown reasons, it was affecting everyone, including Billy, whose heartbeat was racing faster now.

"Grand Pagoda Summoning Skill!"

someone suddenly shouted in horror as he recognized the spell.

Grand Pagoda Summoning Skill was a fourth-grade spell, supposedly very powerful. At least in theory. However, it had few real practitioners due to the extreme amounts of risks involved in its use. Most of the cultivators had abandoned it completely.

The Sacred Scriptures Library housed this spell, but all the book ever did was collect dust with each passing day. Its reputation preceded it. It was stored on the second floor of the library initially, but moved to the ground floor as time flew by.

Rumors were always told of it and therefore, each disciple in Sun Sect knew of it and of its risks.


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