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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 73

Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 73 – Florian suddenly understood what his wife was trying to do. He brought over the eight-diagram mirror swiftly.

“Darling, you’re so smart!” he praised Yumi while handing over the mirror.

Yumi did not bother replying to him. She placed the mirror beside the bed, then walked over to open the window to make it seem like someone had come in from the window.

She was framing Darryl.

During the day, Darryl had gone on and on about his Feng Shui theories and even claimed that Abby fainted because of this mirror. Although Yumi was not convinced, she knew that many people were, including Rebecca

Since Darryl knew so much about Feng Shui Metaphysics, he could also have ways to make Rebecca faint using this mirror. When Rebecca woke the next morning and realized she had been assaulted with the mirror by the bed, she would naturally assume that it was Darryl who did it.

After setting things up, she saw that Florian was still looking at Rebecca.

“Didn’t see enough just now? Go!” Yumi scoffed. Then, she left.

Florian ran after her, panting breathlessly, “This won’t work. What if Rebecca goes to the hospital and finds out-”?

“Do you think everyone is as shameless as you? That they don’t have a reputation to maintain?” she interrupted.

This made sense to Florian. With that, he seemed relieved and left without further questioning.

Darryl, on the other hand, had gotten a weird feeling during the wedding. He could not help but think of his wife, Lily, the whole night.

Instead of going back to the office, he went home. In the past three years of being with the Lyndon family, he knew that everyone looked down on him, including Lily. But he knew, deep down, his wife still had feelings for him.

When he got home, he realized his father and mother-in-law were not home. Lily was sitting on the sofa with her left leg crossed over the right, showing off her s**y curves. However, her face looked like she was in a panic.

Once she saw that Darryl had come home, a glint of joy appeared on her face, but it disappeared quickly. “You’re back?”



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