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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 115

Right after Nathan made his call, the sound of clicking high heels approached from outside. A gorgeous woman of exceptional beauty walked in — it was Jessica!

Seeing the scene before her, she furrowed her brows slightly before turning her attention to Daniel. "What's going on?"

"They accused me of stealing and called security to beat me up. Then I handled the situation when those shortsighted guards attacked me," Daniel explained.

Jessica's anger flared at his response. "How dare you accuse my assistant of stealing?"

Scanning the crowd, she demanded to know, "Who started this?"

Jennifer, realizing things were taking a turn for the worse, quickly pointed at Harper. "Her!"

Caught off guard, Harper protested, "Jennifer, it was you who said that country boy was a thief just moments ago."

"I said that? I only mentioned that we need evidence! Meanwhile, you called security to attack him without solid proof and then had the audacity to lose face when those guards couldn't overpower him. Embarrassing!"

Jennifer was no fool. She could manipulate the situation to her advantage when Daniel was alone, but with Jessica present, she wouldn’t dare act against him, or even speak ill of him. Her only goal was to see Daniel in trouble, and she succeeded.

Chapter 115 Who Dares to Slander My Assistant 1

Chapter 115 Who Dares to Slander My Assistant 2

Chapter 115 Who Dares to Slander My Assistant 3


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