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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 119

The disciples of Harrisons Martial Club couldn't bring themselves to believe what had just happened, so they rubbed their eyes in unison. But even after rubbing, nothing had changed. It was still Sky with a broken arm, not the country kid, Daniel. Six, who had never lost a fight before, was defeated today by a nobody from nowhere?

The club was part of New York's prestigious Four Martial Clubs, and Sky, who was ranked number six, couldn't beat a nobody. Did this mean Harrisons Martial Club wasn't as strong as they thought? Nothing was more devastating for them than the destruction of their self-confidence.

Now the Harrisons Martial Club's disciples were dispirited, all fight gone out of them. As for Sky, although the screaming had stopped, the pain of a broken bone was keeping him speechless.

Daniel, hands in pockets, looked around cheerfully, "Anyone else wants to challenge me? I’m game for all takers. If not, let's talk about my compensation!"

"How dare you make trouble in Ancient Mall?" A portly man thundered, flanked by a troop of bodyguards in black suits, striding forward with confidence. He was the owner of Ancient Mall and the number three man of Harrisons, Samuel!

Seeing Samuel, Jessica quickly intervened. "This is all a big misunderstanding, Samuel."

Samuel was surprised to see Jessica there. He'd rushed over because he heard someone was causing a disturbance at Ancient Mall, but he hadn't expected to find the oldest daughter of the Matthews family here. Calming down, he decided to get to the bottom of it. "What misunderstanding, Jessica?"

"I came shopping here with my assistant Daniel, and the shop staff accused him of stealing. They even had security come and beat him up. Then Daniel defended himself, and well, the security staff got a little lesson. After that, your security chief called in more people, but they, too, got taken down by Daniel."

Chapter 119 Samuel's Arrival 1


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