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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 121

"I know exactly what kind of person my assistant is. He absolutely would not have stolen this dress—it must be a misunderstanding! We need to investigate this thoroughly. I believe Daniel is innocent," Jessica asserted with certainty because she knew Daniel had no motive to steal.

There was only one possibility for the dress appearing in the bag: he had been set up.

Harper let out a derisive sneer. "We have the evidence, what need is there for further investigation? From the moment I saw him, I thought this country guy was a creep. I bet he specializes in stealing these sorts of dresses. He's not just a thief; he's a pervert! We can't handle this internally; we must call the police and send him to jail!"

Samuel interjected, "Jessica, you said we needed evidence, and now that we have it, if you continue to protect him and demand an investigation, I might have to be discourteous. If you don't wish to call the police, I understand, and I don't think we need to. After all, you are a respectable person. Let's leave this assistant in your hands: take him and deal with him as you see fit. I trust you, Jessica, to come up with a fair outcome. As for the medical expenses of the injured, I'll cover them on your behalf."

Samuel didn't care about the beaten security. He cared about his reputation. His approach appeared magnanimous, enhancing his image.

However, this was bad news for Jessica. This incident was bound to get out and spread wide. Everyone in New York would soon hear about Jessica's assistant Daniel stealing a dress at Ancient Mall, attacking over a dozen security guards, and showing no remorse. Samuel, upon learning about the incident, took immediate action. He spared Jessica the trouble, forgave the assistant, and let her take him away to handle the situation. If Jessica mishandled it, the tarnished reputation would extend beyond her to the entire Matthews family!

Chapter 121 Two Birds with One Stone 1

Chapter 121 Two Birds with One Stone 2


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