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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 123

"Jessica's assistant?" Jacob was taken aback for a few seconds before urgently asking, "Is it Daniel?"

"Yes, Daniel!"

"Those punks, how dare they trouble Mr. Daniel? Get over there, slap each one of them for me, then have those little brats apologize to Mr. Daniel immediately!"

Samuel was stunned. "Big brother, that country boy is just Jessica's assistant. Why are you so afraid of him?"

"You don't get it at all! He's not some country boy; you better show some respect—he's Mr. Daniel! If you call him 'country boy' again, be prepared for me to kick your ass! Stabilize the situation; I'm on my way. And remember, do not offend Mr. Daniel at all costs!"

Soon, Jacob arrived. Sky was ranting at Daniel, blaming him for everything. "Master, this country boy hit me. He even said to call you over and fight you in front of everyone. He claimed he'd beat you up so bad you'd mess yourself! He also said he'd make sure Harrisons Martial Club could never again hold its head up high in New York!"

Upon hearing this, Jacob was livid. With a sharp "smack," a slap landed on Sky’s cheek, sending the clueless disciple sprawling to the ground. After being slapped, Sky looked at Jacob, confused and ringing in the ears. "Master, why are you hitting me?"

Without wasting words, Jacob delivered another slap to Sky’s face. "Kneel down and apologize to Mr. Daniel immediately!"

Chapter 123 Jessica's Assistant 1


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