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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 128

New York Martial United? This made Daniel chuckle, though he chose not to continue the conversation. His focus was on his lobster, which was quickly cooling down — it needed to be enjoyed while hot for the best flavor.

Andrew paid no further attention to Daniel. An insignificant assistant wasn’t worth his concern.

“Jessica, since you’re here at the Prospera Group's Unusual Stones Exhibition, why not take a chance and play?” Andrew asked.

“Play what?”

“This so-called exhibition is actually a Jade Gambling event.”

“I'm not interested.”

“You’re here already, Jessica. You might as well play a few rounds. It would be a waste to come and not participate at all.”

“I said I'm not interested.”

Jessica reiterated her rejection, looking to disengage from Andrew. That’s when Daniel stepped forward, his expression serious.

“Actually, I want to give it a try.”

“Your assistant? With what wages, do you think you can afford it?” Jessica chided.


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