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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 130

“Who said I’m refusing? I'm sure I'll win, so why wouldn't I accept? However, Andrew, just make sure you don’t back out once you lose. After all, these people are all witnesses to our bet!”

Little trolleys laden with ordinary-looking stones were wheeled out and placed on the central stage, each labeled with a price tag. That's when an elder gentleman in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses approached.

“Andrew, I hope I’m not too late?”

“Henry, you’re right on time!” beamed Andrew, introducing the newcomer with full pride. “Does everyone know this gentleman? He’s Florida’s most renowned appraiser, Henry Jade. He just needs one look to tell whether these stones contain jade or not.”

After introducing Henry, Andrew looked at Jessica and continued, “Jessica, giving this country boy ten million might just be the lowest-return investment you’ve ever made. I bet by the end of tonight, he won’t have a penny left.

I paid a handsome fee to have Henry here to assist me. So, Jessica, if you wish, you’re welcome to join the gamble. With Henry here, I might not make a tenfold profit, but at least I can ensure you won’t make a loss tonight. With some luck, you could win around 20%.”

“No need!” Jessica declined coldly before adding, “I trust my Daniel! Since he says he can make a tenfold profit, I believe he can do it!”

Jessica's words made Andrew somewhat uncomfortable—he wanted to prove to her he was right. So, he suggested to Henry, “Although you're well-known in Florida, Henry, many here in New York might not be familiar with you.

The stones are ready, how about you show Jessica—and everyone else—just how skilled you are?”

Chapter 130 Henry Jade 1

Chapter 130 Henry Jade 2


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