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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 142

If Nicholas didn’t want to take on that kind of risk, after hearing Henry’s story, he might have been tempted to sell the Blood Jade to Henry for three million dollars. And of course, Henry would be more than happy with such an outcome. Forget three million—Henry would gladly pay even five million for that piece of Blood Jade. After all, it would be foolish to not make money!

Henry’s story held an ulterior motive, which of course Nicholas could discern. Flashing his signature smile, Nicholas asked, "What are you getting at with that story, Henry? I didn’t quite catch your meaning."

"My words are clear and simple. Someone as smart as you, Nicholas, couldn’t have misunderstood."

"I honestly didn’t catch your drift. Could you be more direct, Henry?"

"This looks like a real Blood Jade, but Blood Jade is hard to preserve, unlike other stones. So, even if it's worth three million now, its value might halve in a month."

"What exactly are you suggesting, Henry?"

"I've always had a passion for jade. If you’re willing, I’d like to buy that Blood Jade for three million dollars."

Henry had barely made his offer when Andrew’s face turned sour. He had brought Henry here, and just moments ago Henry was mocking the so-called piece of useless plastic. Now Henry was eagerly proposing to buy it? His behavior was a blatant slap in the face to Andrew.

Chapter 142 It Would Be Foolish Not to Make Money 1

Chapter 142 It Would Be Foolish Not to Make Money 2

Chapter 142 It Would Be Foolish Not to Make Money 3


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