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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 145

"I made a mistake earlier, I definitely can't sell this Blood Jade to Henry for fifteen million," Daniel suddenly declared, causing another jolt of shock among the crowd.

Brittany sneered again, asking disdainfully, "So, you admit you were bluffing? You're acknowledging that you can't sell the Blood Jade for fifteen million?"

"I said I was wrong because I borrowed ten million from Jessica, and I need to repay her fifteen million. If I sell the Blood Jade for only fifteen million, I wouldn't have made any profit, right? To prevent that, I've decided to raise the price of the Blood Jade to twenty million. That way, I can make a meager profit of five million."

Daniel's words almost made Andrew spit out his drink in frustration. "Country boy, do you even hear yourself? Five million! A 'meager profit'? Have you been shoveling manure on the farm for so long that it’s gone to your head? I'm a general manager, and my total net profit from all the operations I've worked on for half a year is less than three million."

Andrew was telling the truth. ArmCorp had always been under the management of his father, Rainbow Armstrong, who only recently handed over the role to Andrew to handle a few simple business operations. Andrew initially thought that with ArmCorp's strength, doing business would be easy, just wining and dining clients. However, after starting work, he realized business wasn't that simple. Business veterans made him no match for their double-faced tactics, making all sorts of promises that changed overnight.

Despite closing several big deals in the past six months, most hadn't recouped their investments. The three million in profit was thanks to Rainbow Armstrong’s relationships. Without his dad stepping in to secure a solid deal, Andrew would've made no money at all.

Chapter 145 Twenty Million 1

Chapter 145 Twenty Million 2


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