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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Our Shared Honor and Disgrace 

Jennifer looked down on Daniel with the disdain of a queen, utterly confident. There was no doubt in her mind that he had deliberately thrown that ring under her seat on the plane to take advantage of her

She knew all too well the crooked intentions of such men

Jennifer’s confidence solidified Brittany’s belief that Daniel must indeed be a scoundrel. With Joshua’s unexpected appearance, TMO 

had a chance to recover from its predicament. If TMO’s collaboration 

with Healthy Land fell through because of Daniel, putting the 

company at risk again, that was unforgivable. Brittany had to step in 

and stop it

Master Joshua, you can’t let the actions of this nobody disrupt 

TMO’s partnership. He may be our new assistant, but he hasn’t been officially inducted yet. His behavior does not reflect on TMO!” 

Master Daniel isn’t associated with TMO?” Joshua looked to Jessica

asking, Is this your opinion?” 

Daniel is my assistant, and I personally manage him. His actions not only represent me but also the entire TMO. If he truly did such a thing, I am prepared to apologize to Jennifer alongside him.” 

Jessica’s bold declaration shocked everyone present. They stared, unable to believe what they had heard. Was she out of her mind

Andrew, seeing through Jessica’s intentions, approached her and reminded her with a smirk, Ma’am Jessica, I understand you’re taking a gamble here. But such a bet based on a lowlife is not worth it. Once the surveillance video arrives, the truth will be revealed. It’s a bet 

Chapter 17 Our Shared How 


you’re certain to lose. It’s unwise to wager the future of TMO, even the entire Matthews family, on a lowlife

Daniel is definitely not a pervert!Although Jessica’s statement was firm, internally, she was conflicted. She had only known Daniel for

couple of days and barely understood him. Her resolute stand 

stemmed from lack of choice. Joshua’s presence and TMO’s deal with Healthy Land became possible through Daniel’s relationship with Joshua. She had to trust him; she had to take the gamble

Her stance pleased Joshua, and he was also convinced now that 

Jessica must be Daniel’s woman. Only spouses could stand together 


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