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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 You’re My Honey 

Brittany swore to herself that she’d drive Daniel out of TMO and away from Jessica for good

After a quick drive, they pulled up in front of a stand- alone villa in The Matthews residential complex

Weren’t you supposed to take me to a fivestar 


Isn’t this place better than any fivestar hotel?” 

But this is your house!” 

You don’t want to stay at my house?” 

No! Did you bring me here because you’ve fallen for me? Are you planning to actually marry me?” 

Daniel’s hopeful little eyes made Jessica laugh

So, you really want me to marry you, huh?” 

Of course.” 


Becausebecause you’re pretty!” 

Daniel almost let slip that it was because he wanted 

The Sealed Dragon Grass

If I weren’t pretty, you wouldn’t marry me?” 


And you hesitate? Men really are dogs!” 

Jessica pulled out a set of keys and handed them 

over to Daniel

This villa is yours now.” 

Mine? Don’t you live here?” 

Why would I live here? What are you thinking?” 

Jessica rolled her eyes at Daniel and then fished out 

a sleek black credit card, handing it over

This credit card has no spending limit; use it as you 


You’re giving me a villa and a nolimit credit card. Are you trying to be my sugar mommy or what?” 

Cut that out!Jessica pointed to the sleek car and said, This car is yours too, for getting around.” 

All these material things don’t matter. What’s important iscan I call you dear?” 

No!! If you dare call me that in front of others, I’ll fire 

you on the spot! However you’ve done well these 

past few days, I’m quite satisfied, so I’ll grant you 

some privileges. In public, you still call me Jessica. In private, you can call me Jess or J.” 

Yes! Honey!” 


Jessica stomped her foot and pouted

I mean it, if you keep calling me that, I’ll really get 


Despite her scolding, Jessica was astonished to 

find that deep down, she didn’t mind when Daniel called her Honey. If it weren’t for her quick reflexes, she might have just agreed

What was happening to her? Could she actually like 


To stop her mind from wandering, Jessica quickly changed the subject, That worm in grandpa’s body, what’s up with that?” 


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