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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Vodka Again 

Nicholas was confident that the Monet painting was a forgery because while human eyes can be deceived, the data from hightech equipment don’t lie. With advancements in technology, the authentication of antiques no longer relies solely on experts. Many have turned to using hightech professional devices for more accurate determinations, which can pinpoint the exact historical period of artifacts through various scans and tests

Since you’re willing to spend an additional fifty million, I have nothing more to say. But I will reveal the true painting hidden within this one to show you,said Nicholas

Please! If you need anything, just ask. As long as I have it, I will provide,Nicholas replied generously

Great, can you bring me an alcohol burner? I need an empty one with no alcohol in it,Daniel requested 

Certainly,Nicholas went to get the alcohol burner

Daniel turned to Brittany, Brittany, could you please buy me another bottle of vodka?! 

Are you trying to make a fool out of me? Why didn’t you ask for two bottles in the first place? I won’t go! You can go yourself!” 

Unwilling to run this errand, Brittany left Daniel with no choice but to look to Jessica

Jessica, could you help me out? Without this bottle of vodka, I won’t be able to secure those two billion for you.” 

Jessica knew what Daniel was doing

Daniel, you bastard! Do you think you can control me like this?” 

No! I don’t think that! It’s just that Brittany isn’t willing to go, and you don’t want to either, so I’ll have to 

admit defeat soon.” 

How dare you threaten me?” 

I’m not!” 

Yes, you are!” 

Jessica glared at Daniel, huffing angrily, I’ll punish you when we get back!” 

She then turned her head towards Brittany

Go run the errand!” 

Brittany was taken aback in disbelief at Jessica’s response

*Jessica, this useless guy has the audacity to demand you to do things. You can’t indulge him!therwise

he’ll soon start disrespecting you.” 

Are you also going against me?” 

Chapter 40 Vodka Again


Brittany left with resentment brewing inside her, clenching her fists as she went to buy the vodka

Soon, Brittany returned with the vodka, and Nicholas brought a brandnew alcohol burner. Daniel poured 

the vodka into the burner

Do you have a lighter, Smiley Nick?Daniel asked

A lighter? Let me check!” 


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