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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Golden Paper 

Brittany couldn’t defy Jessica but her resentment towards Daniel deepened. She vowed to get even and wipe away her humiliation. Daniel had made a fool of her and Jessica didn’t intervene. She plotted to turn the tables on him at next week’s staff meeting, right in front of the whole company. Jessica surely wouldn’t step in then. If she couldn’t get him fired, she’d humiliate him until he was too ashamed to stay at TMO and left on his own

Brittany rushed to the restroom to wash the ash off her face. When she came back, Jessica was taken aback by her appearance

Your face” 

What? Is there a problem?Brittany quickly pulled out a compact mirror from her LV bag and examined her face

To her shock, her skin looked radiant and youthful, as if she had turned back time to her eighteenyearold self

The ash I shook onto your face 

was actually a free face mask gift. But the effects will only last for a day

your skin will return to normal tomorrow,Daniel explained

Jessica believed him and seized the moment to softly tell Brittany

You misunderstood Daniel earlier. He wasn’t teasing you but gifted you a miraculous face mask. You’ve seen the effect yourself. I’ve used countless face masks, and none compare to this

So, you should thank Daniel and get along with him. And don’t you pick on him anymore.” 

Me? Thank him? And quit picking on him?” 

Did I

something wrong?” 

Jessica’s words left Brittany speechless. But these were Jessica’s orders, and she dared not ignore them. Reluctantly and with a professional smile, Brittany spoke to Daniel

Thank you! I promise I won’t pick on you ever again!” 

Though her last words were uttered through clenched teeth! How could she let Daniel off the hook? Not only did she plan on picking on him, she intended to make him so miserable that he’d resign from TMO himself

Daniel poured the remaining vodka over the once charred scroll. The moment the liquid hit, the blackened paper sparkled golden and exuded the scent of alcohol

Nicholas was flabbergasted at the sight of the scroll, his face registering complete disbelief

Isis this a Golden Paper painting?” 

You’ve got it, Smiley Nick!Daniel confirmed with a smile

Brittany, overcome with curiosity, asked, What’s a Golden Paper painting?” 

Chapter 43 Golden Paper 



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