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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Kneel and Apologize 

Nicholas was astonished

A Golden Paper painting with two layers

If this was true, then the painting was a legendary layered paintingand layered paintings were only known to exist in myths and tales. Nicholas looked at the scroll with anticipation; he was willing to spend two hundred million to own such a rarity. He would even apologize to Daniel, kneeling if necessary, to witness this legend come to life

With a swift motion and the sound of tearing air, Daniel peeled the painting completely open. The Golden Paper painting split into two: one was silver, and the other was gold. The silver one was a Silver Paper painting, and the golden one, sure enough, a Golden Paper painting. While Silver Paper paintings weren’t 

could still fetch a high price

as valuable as Golden Paper ones, they 

Nicholas quickly grabbed his magnifying glass to examine the two paintings. His hands trembled as he peered at the Silver Paper paintinghis magnifying glass shaking in his grasp

Gaugin! This Silver Paper painting was painted by Gaugin!he exclaimed. Then, turning to the Golden Paper painting, Monet? It’s actually Monet! This Golden Paper painting is by Monet!” 

After his inspection, Nicholas knelt before Daniel with a thud

Daniel, can you sell me these two paintings? I’m willing to pay five hundred million for both!” 


hundred million? That’s a fair price,Daniel reacted quickly, helping Nicholas to his feet. Stand up. your apology is sufficient.” 

Thud! Nicholas knelt down again

Master, please accept me as your disciple!” 


are you kneeling again? Get up! I don’t take disciples.” 

Master, if you don’t accept me, I will stay kneeling here.” 

Alright, alright! I’ll take you as a disciple, but don’t call me Master. You’re what, 407 50? Calling me 

Masterwould imply I’m 70 or even 801 So, from now on, just call me Daniel, okay?” 

Yes! Master!” 

I told you, don’t call me Master‘ 

Yes, Master! In the presence of others, I will call you Daniel. If it’s just us, I will call you Master.” 

Leaving Auctiq, something clicked for Jessica, and she looked at Daniel with a grin. Master Joshua calls you Master Daniel. Don’t tell me he, like Smiley Nick, became your disciple?” 

UhDaniel scratched his head, admitting, Yes, that’s correct.” 

I knew it! If you were just friends, why was Master Joshua so excited that day? It turns out he became 

Chapter 47 Kneel and Apologize 


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