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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 51

Chapter 1 Anthony’s ban 

Chapter 51 Anthony’s Plan 

Anthony had heard from others that Joshua thought quite highly of Daniel. The way Joshua saw Daniel suggested that the kid might just become his protégé. If that happened, Daniel would be Joshua’s new pet, and Anthony’s days would be numbered

To nip this problem in the bud, Anthony decided that Daniel needed to vanishpermanently

Get that bonehead Justin to off Daniel? What’s your angle?Andrew asked

Well, isn’t Daniel working as an assistant at TMO? You could send him over to tell Justin to move the Black Panther Club. Justin’s not gonna budge, and when a fight breaks out, can you guarantee Justin won’t lose it and finish Daniel off

If Justin kills Daniel, I can tell Joshua it was TMO’s fault. Joshua will hit the roof! The deal between TMO and Healthy Land would go belly-up, and ArmCorp would swoop in to take their place!” 

That’s brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!” 

I’ve set the stage for you; it’s in your court now. With your skills, this should be a piece of cake.” 

Trust me, Anthony, I’ve got this. I know a few guys at Black Panther Club. I’ll have them stir some trouble. The moment Daniel steps foot in there, I’ll have Justin take him down on the spot.” 

I’ll be waiting, then.” 

Andrew revved up his red Ferrari and pulled out of Healthy Land, headed to TMO headquarters. To keep a low profile, he parked his flashy car in the furthest corner of the lot

Brittany, upon receiving Andrew’s message, quickly dropped her work and trotted down to meet him

Andrew, what’s up?” 

Andrew handed her a bouquet of roses, and Brittany was floored

Andrew, what’s this all about?” 

Don’t get the wrong idea; they’re for Jessica. Please pass them on to her.” 

If you’re giving flowers to Jessica, shouldn’t you deliver them yourself?” 

She’s been giving me the cold shoulder since that incident. Won’t take my calls or return my texts

And don’t get me started; Jessica’s barely speaking to me now.” 

Brittany’s words piqued Andrew’s curiosity

Why’s that?he inquired

All because of that nobody.” 

Nobody? Who?” 

Andrew already knew she meant Danielhe was playing dumb on purpose

Chapte Li Anthony’s Plan 

Who else but Daniel? I can’t stand that guy. I wish Jessica would fire him on the spot!” 

And why’s that? I thought he had a hand in the TMOHL partnership?” 


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