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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Shut Up, Both of You 

Brittany and Daniel had always been at odds, and given her strong streak of jealousy, it was no surprise. that she would use any venomous words to attack Daniel. However, the signature at the end of the resignation letter was indeed Daniel’s, a fact that puzzled Jessica

Jessica glared at Daniel with a fierce look and asked sharply, Did you write this resignation letter?” 

Before Daniel could answer, Brittany spoke up. Of course he wrote it. Who else would know his own dirty, vile deeds? After I read his resignation letter, I was livid. How could someone like him even be part of TMO? He doesn’t deserve to be in our company, and I suggest you accept his resignation immediately and tell him to get lost! The longer he stays, the more he tarnishes our company’s honor and image.” 

Brittany, shut up! I was asking Daniel, I don’t remember asking you!” 


Brittany fell silent, but she shot several warning glances at Daniel, signaling him not to speak out of turn

Did you write the resignation letter?Jessica asked again

No, Brittany wrote it.” 


an inherently honest man, was even less inclined to lie in front of his wife

Upon hearing this, Brittany became frantic. How dare this loser defy her wishes

Yes, I wrote this resignation on his behalf, but it was based on his own words, according to his actions. He said he couldn’t write and begged me to write it for him! If it weren’t for the fact we were colleagues,

would never bother to help him! And even if I did write it, the final signature is his own. By signing his name, he agrees to everything written in the letter, which means he himself believes he’s a scumbag!” 

Brittany’s speech seemed logical and justified, making it difficult for Jessica to rebut. As the CEO, Jessica always tried to persuade with reason

Jessica turned to Daniel, pointing to the signature and asked, Did you sign this?” 


Did you read the content of this resignation letter before signing it?” 

I did read it.” 

Knowing what’s in the letter, why did you still sign it? Are you saying you agree with its contents?” 

Does my agreement matter? The important thing is, do you, Jessica, agree?” 

Daniel’s response made Jessica’s head fill with question marks

What do you mean? What does it have to do with my agreement?” 

Brittany wrote this resignation request and told me to sign it, saying it was at your direction. Since it supposedly came from you, Jessica, what else can I say? Of course, I’ll sign it.

Chapter 63 Shut Up, Both of You 

Brittany and Daniel had always been at odds, and given her strong streak of jealousy, it was no surprise. that she would use any venomous words to attack Daniel. However, the signature at the end of the resignation letter was indeed Daniel’s, a fact that puzzled Jessica

Jessica glared at Daniel with a fierce look and asked sharply, Did you write this resignation letter?” 

Before Daniel could answer, Brittany spoke up. Of course he wrote it. Who else would know his own dirty, vile deeds? After I read his resignation letter, I was livid. How could someone like him even be part of TMO? He doesn’t deserve to be in our company, and I suggest you accept his resignation immediately and tell him to get lost! The longer he stays, the more he tarnishes our company’s honor and image.” 

Brittany, shut up! I was asking Daniel, I don’t remember asking you!” 


Brittany fell silent, but she shot several warning glances at Daniel, signaling him not to speak out of turn

Did you write the resignation letter?Jessica asked again

No, Brittany wrote it.” 


an inherently honest man, was even less inclined to lie in front of his wife

Upon hearing this, Brittany became frantic. How dare this loser defy her wishes

Yes, I wrote this resignation on his behalf, but it was based on his own words, according to his actions. He said he couldn’t write and begged me to write it for him! If it weren’t for the fact we were colleagues,

would never bother to help him! And even if I did write it, the final signature is his own. By signing his name, he agrees to everything written in the letter, which means he himself believes he’s a scumbag!” 

Brittany’s speech seemed logical and justified, making it difficult for Jessica to rebut. As the CEO, Jessica always tried to persuade with reason

Jessica turned to Daniel, pointing to the signature and asked, Did you sign this?” 


Did you read the content of this resignation letter before signing it?” 

I did read it.” 


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