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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Consultant 

Ryan wasn’t trying to disrespect Daniel, but the situation around him was too chaotic. He needed to keep things under control; the last thing he wanted was to see things spiral out of control

Outside the TMO headquarters, a massive crowd had gathered, with participants donning various club uniforms. Although not in the hundreds of thousands, the crowd definitely numbered in the tens of thousands. These individuals had blocked off several nearby streets; no one could access the area. Martial Club United had completely surrounded TMO, turning it into an isolated island

Despite the formidable crowd, Jessica’s expression remained unperturbed, maintaining the composure of a queen. As the acting chairman of Martial Club United, Ryan approached her

Chairman Rose, you’ve gathered so many people to surround TMO; what’s your intention? TMO has always had no affiliations with Martial Club United, and I’m unaware of any offense we may have caused 


Before Ryan could respond, Justin emerged, supported by a crutch. Jessica, take a good look at me. See what I’ve 

been reduced to.” 

When Jessica saw Justin’s state, she couldn’t help but snicker internally. The staff she had previously sent to Black Panther Club had been beaten every single time, returning battered and bruised. Who could have imagined Justin would have his day too? Beaten to such a state

While she was pleased with the turn of events, she couldn’t possibly admit it had anything to do with her you or Daniel. Mr. Justin, what happened to you? Did you have a little tumble into a sewer? Or perhaps were hit by a car on your way out?” 


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