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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Prospera Group Invitation 

Inside the CEO’s office

Jessica, wearing a snug business dress, sat in the executive chair with one leg crossed over the other

swinging her fiery red high heels back and forth. She wore a faint smile on her lips, but her eyes were 

sharp, fixated on Daniel. She looked less like his boss and more like a wife who had caught her husband 


Say it!” 

Say what?Daniel asked, confused, his gaze filled with puzzlement as he looked at the beauty before 


You tell me what you’re supposed to say

I really don’t know what I’m supposed to say, which is why I’m asking you what I should say.” 

Are you playing some kind of word game?” 



Jessica glowered at Daniel, her tone turning fierce, How did you get out of the house?” 

I walked out on my feet!” 

Who opened the door for you?” 

I didn’t go through the main door! I jumped down from the secondfloor terrace.” 

You actually jumped down from the terrace?” 

Jessica was shocked and commanded, Get your ass over here!” 

Although he was unsure of her intentions, Daniel obediently made his way to Jessica’s side. Just as he got close, Jessica 

Over to knead his legs. At the same time, Daniel greedily inhaled the faint 

fragrance wafting from her dark hair. It was exquisite

Does this hurt?” 


What about here?” 

That doesn’t hurt either.” 

You si 


sure you didn’t injure yourself jumping from that height?” 

You dog!” 

Chapter 80 Prospera Group Invitation

After affirming that Daniel was unharmed, Jessica couldn’t help but curse him. She then sternly warned, This is the last time. If you dare to jump out of a window again, I’ll break your legs.” 

With that, she gave Daniel a slap on the back


Daniel was shocked

YouYou actually hit me” 

So what? Get lost! You’re just annoying to look at!” 

Jessica rolled her eyes and shooed Daniel out of her office


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