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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 A Million Dollar Offer 


Although Brittany was still Jessica’s secretary, their relationship wasn’t as close as before. If Jennifer wanted to retrieve the lost contract from TMO, only Daniel could assist her. Of course, Jennifer merely Intended to use Daniel, with no romantic interest. However, if Daniel could help her secure a partnership with TMO, she might consider no longer disliking him and could even offer him a kickback

After laying out her proposal, Jennifer crossed her arms and looked down at Daniel with arrogance, believing that even requesting Daniel’s help was a reward for him. Because they were standing so close to each other, Daniel couldn’t ignore her presence and ended up staring at her chest. She really did have 


Jennifer sensed something amiss and asked fiercely, You jerk, what are you looking at?” 

“I’m looking at what you want me to see! After all, I can’t defy your will.” 

Youyou pervert, if you keep this up, I’ll record everything and show Jessica. After seeing it, she’ll fire 

you on the spot!” 

Why would she fire me? I’m just her assistant, not her husband.” 

Daniel wanted to avoid trouble. If Jennifer did report him to Jessica, it might indeed land him in a difficult situation. Women tend to take such matters very seriously

Jennifer was speechless and came to a realization: Daniel was just Jessica’s assistant; she wouldn’t care about his personal life. Besides, Jennifer was planning to use him to regain the business she lost from TMO. If Jessica got wind of any entanglement between her and this nobody,she might get the wrong 

idea. If it hindered Jennifer from securing any contracts with TMO, it would be her loss

I don’t have time to talk to you. Seeing you disgusts me.” 

If I disgust you, then why come to me? Why insist on standing in front of me?” 

Though you’re disgusting and just a country bumpkin, you’re lucky! You became Jessica’s assistant! So, I want to make a deal with you

What could we possibly have to cooperate on?” 

Help me secure a contract with TMO, and I’ll reward you.” 


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