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The Wolf In Me novel Chapter 11

Part 1 More to come

"You look, lovely darling," I whispered in Mei's ears as the crowd of wolves were waiting for my speech.


"Only for you to lay your eyes on." She winked at me.


The military green tight fit dress complimented her perfect figure. I felt ready to lead. My energy and mental strength were empowered by my great alpha wolves within me.



"This is a dream come true for me. I have always wanted to bring everyone together."


I heard everyone cheer and waited for everyone to calm down.


"I am looking forward to starting anew. With the vampires gathering a large fleet of them, a few hundreds of us was impossible to defeat all of them, but now I can feel our family getting stronger than ever."


Some of the wolves howled and clapped in encouragement, giving me further energy to carry on. 


"We can fight and destroy them and their territories, making the world a safer place for every living creature. Soon we will have more packs coming in and once they all arrive I can explain my plan," I said with a deep growl, emphasising my passion towards my words.


"Make yourselves at home and enjoy these refreshments that will come out in a minute."



I motioned for Steph that was standing outside the kitchen doors to start serving.

Being the leader was a tough responsibility, but I wanted to spend some time going around meeting with the new arrivals. I didn't want to show any pride, but more then anything, I wanted to be equal with everyone.


"Will you come along?" I turned my face to look at Mei.


"Sure darling," she said nodding with a sincere smile.


We walked down the stairs and headed towards the crowd spotting an old friend.


"Ah, Alpha Nate. Long time no see," I yelled over the other voices.


"Luka, look at you. It has been a while. How are you Alpha king?" He said teasingly.


"Oh, well, I guess full-on busy. Still the same old Luka though."


I winked and patted him on the shoulder. Nate giggled deeply, raising his glass of champagne above his head.


"Cheers. To the future, our better future," he said raising his eyebrows smiling.


"Cheers to an old friend, and like you said, a better future," I said smiling back clinking the glasses of champagne together, before downing the glass.


Mei and I moved further in as we chatted to omegas, lunas and alphas.


It had been a long evening and it was getting late. With just one look at Mei, I knew she wanted to go to bed so we fled from the crowd and headed into our quiet bedroom.



She took off her dress and hung it intently on the clothes hanger. She grabbed a nightgown and some underwear and headed into the shower. Whilst I waited for my turn to wash, I took off my clothes and just looked outside the window enjoying the view below.


My thoughts went on Korine, my adoptive mother which I haven't seen in months. Even though she could never understand our traditions and roles, she filled the void of motherhood for me and for that I was grateful.


I hoped that one day I could have permission from our goddess to have one last chance at a goodbye before she passes away.


I knew that she was growing old and as a human, she would not live as long as wolves. I exhaled sharply unknowingly when I feel two cold hands wrapping around my shoulders. I turned around to see Mei looking at me with concerned eyes. We just stared at each other for a while then I went in for a hug. We didn't say a word, but her actions comforted me.


I went in the shower feeling mentally drained so I just wanted to feel the light water dribbling down my skin as I rested an arm on the wall. All my thoughts and responsibilities started coming in. Everyone was leaning on my shoulders.


"Oh Beautiful Goddess of the bright moon, I hope that you made the right choice choosing me to lead your army of wolves. I do have trust in you, I know you know that, but I sometimes feel alone in this."


I almost choked up feeling the weight on my shoulders. I went out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. After brushing my teeth I went out to grab the shorts from the bed. Mei was already fast asleep so I quietly moved over to my side of the bed and slid under the covers, wrapping my arms around her waist feeling the need of some closeness.


The bright warm sun hit my skin and I squeezed my eyes feeling my pupils dilate with the light coming in. Mei was still fast asleep but I needed to head to the bathroom.


Mei's POV


I woke up feeling Luka's bedside empty with my elongated arms. It was still warm from his body so I knew he was not far. I took a deep breath and his scent was all over the room. Still tired from the previous night I stayed under the bedsheets. It took a few minutes for Luka to come out of the bathroom when he noticed me.


"Ah, you are awake. Good morning sunshine." I smiled as I listened to his amazing voice.



I moaned and threw the bedsheet over the other end of the bed, exposing half of my body as I tried to sit down. Luka leaned his body over me feeling the skin of my face with his large fingers.


"Breakfast?" He asked smiling at me.


I nodded and managed to stand up from the bed.


"Here," he said picking up a green crop top and black sportive trousers.



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