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The Wolf In Me novel Chapter 15

I woke up with a headache the next day and opened the windows to see an ugly grey looking sky. I exhaled whilst I turned away from the window to wake up Luka that was still fast asleep.


"Wake up sweety. It is late."


He moved his arms and legs just a little but he remained asleep with his back facing the ceiling.


"Luka, you need to wake up. Everyone is waiting for you downstairs."


He groaned and started to wake up slowly, muttering and purring softly. I smiled as I waited patiently for him to turn around.


He yawned so loudly that he was probably heard from the hall.


"Good morning," he said as he finally sat down on the bed.


"Oh hello, there sleepyhead," I teased, leaning in for a peck on his warm lips.


"How are you?" He asked now looking at me attentively.


"I've got a headache but I'm fine," I said.


He lifted his arm reaching my hand and pulled me closer to kiss my head.


"This kiss will heal you," he said smiling "I promise it will work as it came out of love".


I giggled softly and hugged his neck.


"Thank you, my love," I said back then left to go to the bathroom to take a shower and join Luka for breakfast.


'Are you ok Mei?" Luka asked observing me as I sat down on the chair opposite him.


"You don't seem so well."



My headache seemed to get worse and worse as time passed. It felt like something wanted to come out from my brains. I was helping Luka file in some papers as we were in his office but I stopped and held my hand on my head thinking it will help my pain go away.



"You know what? I am going in the room for a short nap," I told Luka placing my hand on his shoulder.


"Are you ok Mei? You look pale," he said again looking at me with a concerned look.


"I will be ok," I said smiling.


I stood up slowly from the chair but my body felt weak and numb and I fell unconscious.


Luka's POV


I was shocked to see Mei in such state. I could feel that she was not ok and immediately grabbed her right before she fell. I started screaming out for a doctor and Jake came running in. As soon as he saw her unconscious he left the room and hurried to get help.



When the doctor came the first thing he did was listen to her heart and checked the pulse. Just watching him touch her skin was enough to send my brain into anger mode but I tried to breathe in and out to relax.


"With your permission alpha, we need to take her to hospital grounds. We promise to take good care of her," I rolled my eyes breathing heavily.


I started walking towards the door with her in my arms but the doctor stopped me and looked at me with an expression that said that it was best if he takes her himself so I would not be in the way.


"Go," I said with a growl.


I looked away as I couldn't handle the feeling I had, watching her in such state and held in someone else's arms.


As I waited for some time in the office I couldn't make myself work anymore. All I could think was about Mei. I felt numb and helpless and so I rushed outside for some air and went down on my knees with a heavy thump and looked up at the sky.


"Sweet Moon Goddess, you have taken good care of my pack and myself even when I forgot who I was. Please be with us now that I am back to serving you and our kind."


My eyes filled with tears and I continued my prayers aloud. "With your beauty and grace, I beg of you to take care of my beautiful Mei. I won't be able to be a good alpha without her. She is my rock. You have given her to me when I was in most need. I will lead my pack and make them strong and I will do it all in your name my dearest Goddess."



I stood up from the ground wiping away tears of fear. Finally, a doctor came to inform me that it was fine to go see her.



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