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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 147

At YS Culture.

Early in the morning, with exquisite makeup, Yvonne went into her office in high heels. After the assistant served her coffee, she stood gracefully in front of the French window, enjoying the sea view outside the window in a good mood.

Her newly established company was located at the top of the building next to the HGH Building.

The reason why she chose this place was that this building was much higher than the Hughes Group, showing that she could suppress the Hughes Group.

What satisfied Yvonne more was that she did not rent the office area of this building like other companies. Her father, Randolph, directly bought this whole floor for her.

In the past, she thought that she liked to be a star, because she could attract everyone's attention in that way.

Only now did she realize that being the boss was the most satisfying thing, and it was more satisfying than being a star.

She could control the fate of her employees, decide every project, which could satisfy her desire for power.

Yvonne's mobile phone on the table beside her rang. It was Vincent's calling. Yvonne quickly put down the coffee in her hand and answered the phone with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Longerich." Yvonne's voice was as pleasant as it could be.

However, her enthusiasm only earned Vincent a ruthless announcement. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Sullivan. After another round of test script, I finally decided to use the screenwriter, Wintry Frost recommended by Mr. Hughes."

"What?" Yvonne's face turned pale with disbelief.

She thought that she would definitely win this time. Unexpectedly, Vincent chose Emelia.

For a moment, she could not accept this result. She could not help but ask, "Why?"

Vincent sneered. "Why?"

"Don't you know why, Mr. Sullivan?" Vincent was furious. "Do you think I'm a fool, or think that Julian and Emelia are fools?"

"The two scripts are exactly the same. Can't I judge?"

Yvonne's face was pale, but she still managed to say, "You mean we've committed plagiarism? Do you have any evidence?"

Vincent sneered and said, "I already knew that you had asked a hacker to hack into Emelia's computer and then steal her script.


Yvonne also sneered. "Mr. Longerich, you don't have to protect Emelia like this. Did she also have sex with you?"

Vincent almost died of anger after hearing Yvonne's shameless words.

He only had two lovers in his life. He was loyal and had a good relationship with his current wife. There had never been any scandal for so many years, but now Yvonne was spreading rumors about him and Emelia. He had never seen such a shameless person.

"Bastard!" Vincent couldn't stand it anymore and scolded Yvonne.

However, Vincent soon calmed down. At his age, he obviously knew what was the most important.

Therefore, he calmly said, "Do you want evidence? Okay."

"You probably didn't know. The plot I asked you to rewrite, actually Emelia had written it yesterday at my place using my computer. As for the other version in her computer, it was something she made up just to have you guys exposed."

Hearing Vincent's explanation, Yvonne felt discouraged and fell heavily into her chair.

How could this be? How could this be?

It turned out that Vincent had already noticed that something was wrong. It turned out that in the end, Vincent and Julian played against her and Harvey.


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