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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 72

Twenty minutes later, Emelia arrived with the food.

However, to avoid meeting Julian, she did not go upstairs.

Maisie went downstairs to get the food and Emelia went home thereafter.

When David saw the delicious food brought up by Maisie, he almost drooled.

He was so excited that he babbed excitedly to Maisie when eating, "Maisie, I want to stay in your apartment during the days. Emelia are staying with you."

Thus, he could have delicious food every day.

Before Maisie could say anything, Julian gave David a cold look.

Feeling the displeasure from the boss, David quickly handed the stew to Julian. "Mr. Hughes, this stew doesn't taste spicy. Would you like to try it?"

The familiar aroma of the food wafted into Julian's nose, and he felt that the whole taste buds were mobilized.

Emelia had often cooked stew for him before, especially various kinds of stomach-nourishing stew.

At first, he disliked it, but later he found that his stomach was very comfortable after having it. He gradually accepted it, and then it became a habit.

He had never had such delicious stew since their divorce a year ago. For a while, he missed it very much.

Therefore, he accepted the stew David offered without hesitation.

David was a little speechless. He was just showing politeness and had thought that the boss would be more reserved. However...

Seeing this, Maisie had to give her stew to Julian too. The three shared the dinner brought by Emelia.

If it weren't for Julian's stomach, he would have really tasted the other two dishes.

At noon the next day, Julian invited Caroline to lunch.

After the call with Julian, Caroline rang Yvonne with a guilty conscience. "Julian asked me out for lunch. Has he known something?"

She and her brother Julian were realy distant. She also knew that she always caused trouble, so she never stayed close to him so as to avoid being scolded.

Therefore, when Julian suddenly asked her out for dinner, Caroline instinctively felt that what she had done was revealed.

Yvonne comforted her. "That's impossible. Didn't you buy that phone number through several people before it was passed on to your staff?"

"Yes." Caroline said, "I also think he can't trace it to me in a short time. Then why did he suddenly invite me to dinner?"

"Maybe he just wanted to have dinner with you. Don't panic."Yvonne added, "You're his sister after all. He won't do anything to you."

After being comforted by Yvonne, Caroline finally calmed down.

That's right. She was Julian's younger sister. Compared with her, Emelia was nothing.

Upon arriving on time at the restaurant where Julian had booked the table, Caroline smiled and sat down opposite him.

She secretly took a look at Julian's face and found that he was very calm. Then she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the table was full of her favorite dishes, Caroline completely relaxed.

Julian asked her, "How are things going on recently?"

Caroline said while eating, "Nothing special."

Julian elegantly ate some food and said calmly, "What plans do you have for the future?"

"The future?" Caroline said indifferently, "What plan can I have? I am very content now."

Her life plan was to live without worries under the protection of Julian and the Hughes Group.


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