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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 88

Emelia swore that she had never felt that he would disgrace her.

She really didn't know why Julian had such an understanding. It seemed that she had always been the one who couldn't be seen through and recognized.

Seeing that she was silent, Julian seemed to be even angrier. At the other end, he directly ordered her, "You should clarify it immediately! I don't want to see these words, 'old' and 'ugly' again!"

Emelia was in an extremely difficult position.

Although Julian was far from being that person, she really didn't want to make it public that he was her ex-husband at this time.

She was already in the middle of a storm. If she were to publicly announce that she had once married Julian, the man in Riverside City that most women who loved him would tear her apart.

She didn't know how Yvonne's fans will scold her.

"Julian..." It was rare for Emelia to call out his name outside the unfamiliar "President Fu", "I don't think you will disgrace, but-"

After the word "but" came out, Julian became angry. "I don't want to listen to what you say next!"

After saying this, he hung up the phone. Looking at the black screen, Emelia felt a headache.

She wanted to explain her current situation and hoped to get his understanding, but he simply did not communicate with her.

What Emelia didn't understand was that although the scolding online was very unpleasant, it had nothing to do with him, didn't it?

He was neither old nor ugly, and his naked figure was also looked thin and perfect. Cough, cough, he was not weak in some aspects. Why was he angry?

Besides, no one knew it was him.

Emelia took another look at the heated topic of her ex-husband on the Internet, not knowing what to do.

To make it public that her ex-husband was Julian, she really... She didn't dare.

Just as she was in a dilemma, another voice suddenly appeared on the Internet.

The reason was that someone spoke up for her, proving that her husband was handsome, rich, and promising.

Emelia finished reading the person's Twitter post. He covered her face and wanted to faint.

That person should be an old fan on Emelia's Twitter account, because the evidence she released was from Emelia's Twitter account a long time ago.

"As a little transparent fan who has been silently paying attention to this gentle and lovely little sister, I dare say, her husband is definitely not old and ugly, nor is he fat.


"This little sister used to be exposed to his husband's back, and he has broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and a perfect model figure."

Then she posted a photo that Emelia had posted on Twitter, a photo of a man's back.

The man in the photo was wearing a tailored white shirt, with one hand in his trouser pocket, standing by the window and seemed to be making a phone call.

Although he didn't show his face, his perfect figure and innate elegance were still revealed.

This photo was secretly taken by Emelia. At that time, her mind was full of Julian.

In addition, that day when they just ended their endless love, she felt infinite tenderness in her heart. She couldn't help taking a photo of him with her mobile phone.

When she posted on Twitter, she added, "I really like to love him."

Looking at her mood at that time, Emelia felt goosebumps all over her body.

The worst part was that now that the contents of the old days had been dug out, even Julian would be able to see them. How could Emelia not want to faint?

After this post was posted, there were many comments below.

"I'm also a fan of this little sister. Her husband is very tall. The little sister used to post on Twitter saying that she's really tired from standing and kissing with him, and her neck is going to break. Looking at the exposed elevator photos, the little sister must be at least 5 feet 5. Her husband must be 6 feet tall."

The person also casually put out a picture, which was the one she said was tired of kissing.


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