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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 91

Everyone, including Taylor and Oliver, who knew their relation knew, knew that Julian wasn't good to Emelia, and he didn't love her.

But that didn't stop them from asking him for money. As long as he had the identity of Emelia's husband, they could do whatever they wanted.

They didn't care what they did would cause her to be embarrassed in front of Julian and even the Hughes Family. They didn't care what sort of life he had in the Hughes Family at all.

But they hadn't expected that this time, he would actually help Emelia.

Emelia's words made Oliver feel a little curious. He looked in front of him and said with a gloomy expression, "Do you think that Julian... found that Emelia was pretty nice after the divorce?"

He paused for a moment and then burst out laughing unceremoniously. "If that's the case, then Julian will become so regretted."

When they were still together, he didn't like her at all. However, after they divorced, he felt that she was better. What a big slap in his face!

"Didn't he appear as well when we went to find Emelia last time we went to her house?" Taylor analyzed, "He helped her again this time and invited Phil Henderson to show up. I don't believe that he doesn't like Taylor, his ex-wife."

He felt that Oliver's analysis was very reasonable. He then excitedly stood up from the sofa and said, "If that's the case, then let's send Taylor to his bed again. We'll definitely benefit from him."

Oliver glared at him angrily. "Why are you so short-sighted?"

Taylor asked eagerly, "Then do you have any good ideas?"

Oliver said, "If we really send her to Julian's bed, we'll definitely be able to profit from it this time. But we have to think of a way that can last for a long time."

"First of all, we have to make sure that Julian has feelings for Emelia. If that's the case, then we have to be patient and mend their relationship. This way, in the future, when she gets along well with him, we'll be able to enjoy a happy life forever."

Taylor clapped his hands. "Dad, your idea is great!"

Emelia was just an episode. Even if they pestered her, how much money could she give them?

It would be better if he could still take care of Julian for their gains.

Then Oliver said, "Call Julian. Let's have a talk with him."

Taylor quickly agreed. However, before they could make an appointment with him, he called them first.

However, it was Julian's assistant, David, who called them. "Mr. Hughes asked you to meet him at Fleur Pub tonight."

Fleur Pub was the biggest and most famous bar under the charge of Ezra. It was also the most popular bar in Riverside City. Whenever Julian and Ezra have something to talk about, they would meet there.

As for why it was called Fleur Pub, it was because Ezra wished that his life to be as colorful as flowers.

Oliver and Taylor agreed readily.

The two of them thought that since Julian had taken the initiative to ask them out, he must want to talk to them. They were ready to make a daylight robbery.

But what they didn't expect was that things were completely different from what they thought.

After they arrived at the Fleur Pub, someone took them to the designated private room.

However, at the door of the luxurious private room, two burly men in black were guarding on both sides. After they entered the private room, they followed them in. They stood behind them like copper walls and iron walls, which made their scalps numb.

Julian had bad intentions. Otherwise, why would he let these two bodyguards follow him in?

Julian sat far away on the sofa in the middle, looking down on them. He said directly, "Let me give you a piece of advice. Leave Riverside City, the further, the better."

Oliver and Taylor looked at each other. Then Oliver asked, "What do you mean?"


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