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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 97

Yvonne made a scene in the living room. She fell to the ground powerlessly and continued to cry bitterly.

Her image and style of doing things had nothing to do with her dignity and generosity in the eyes of outsiders.

Rosalind also sat down on the ground and cried, "Vonnie, isn't it just Julian? Don't say that! If anything happens to you, I can't live as well!"

Randolph was about to explode from the tears of the mother and daughter, so he had to compromise and said, "Well, since you won't marry anyone except him, I will help you find a way."

Only then did Yvonne slowly stop. Rosalind also wiped away her tears and got up to pull her daughter up from the floor.

Yvonne went back to her room in a daze. She covered her head and lay on the bed without saying a word.

The reason why she wanted to make such a scene was that she could feel that Randolph was really angry with Julian.

Randolph was not just saying that she was not allowed to marry Julian.

Yvonne knew her father very well. In most of the time, he would always insist on his word.

Therefore, she had no other way to make Randolph compromise except to make a fuss.

She was not willing to give up on Julian. Her mother was right. Looking around, no man in Riverside City could compare with him.

If it weren't for the fact that he was so glorious, she wouldn't have abandoned her foreign boyfriend and returned home to get close to him.

She had always known what she wanted. When she was young, she was in love. But after she was 25 years old, she began to plan for her marriage.

Marrying a man with power and wealth was her dream.

Especially a man like Julian, not only did he have wealth and power, but he also had an outstanding appearance, a perfect figure, and his unique charisma.

What made her even more unwilling was that she could never lose to Emelia.

After Rosalind went downstairs, she bitterly asked Randolph, who was still very angry, "What should we do now?"

Randolph threw his tie onto the sofa and said, "What should I do? What else can I do? If you don't play with her, it may be over!"

Rosalind's eyes turned red as she said, "Didn't I worry that she would really do something stupid? We only have one precious daughter. If anything happens to her, what should we do?"

Randolph squeezed his forehead and sat down on the sofa. It was because Yvonne said that she didn't want to live anymore that he compromised.

"I'll call Gerhard." Randolph said with a gloomy face, "If he can't handle his son, don't blame us for exposing his scandal. At that time, the Hughes Group's image will be greatly tarnished. I don't believe that Julian is not nervous!"

Naturally, Rosalind agreed with Randolph's decision.

Both of them were focused on achieving their goal of marrying their daughter into the Hughes Family. They had completely forgotten that even if Julian compromised and married Yvonne, would Yvonne be happy after this forced marriage?

Just like how in the past, when Julian married Emelia, didn't they end up with a divorce as well?

The next day, the Hughes Group was meeting early.

Julian sat at the head of the conference room, looking stern and natural.

Maisie and David sat on both sides of him. Both of them were experienced and professional elites.

A senior executive looked at Julian and asked, "Mr. Hughes, I heard that Emelia Jones, who has been on the trending search recently, is the scriptwriter of 'Princess Leilania' that we invested in?"

Julian replied succinctly, "Yes."

The senior executive was slightly worried and said, "Is it appropriate for a screenwriter to stand at the top of the storm like this?"

Julian looked at the senior executive with no expression on his face. As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew what he wanted to say.


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