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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 254

With that in mind, Toby fished out his phone and called Sonia’s number only to hear a cold automated voice answer in her stead, monotonously informing him that her phone had been switched off.

Tom heard it as well and cleared his throat. “Well, that shouldn’t stop you, President Fuller. Why don’t you look for her and explain things to her in person?”

Toby’s eyes glimmered at this, and for a brief second, he almost took Tom’s advice.

But the next moment, he shook his head and said, “No. I want to go over to the Gray Residence and personally expose Tina for putting on an act all these years.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll bring the car around immediately,” Tom said with renewed fervor as he adjusted his glasses and left to get the car ready.

Meanwhile, Toby clicked into his phone gallery and found the two pictures of Sonia that the boutique assistant had taken previously. His eyes were dark with a gentle longing as he muttered to himself, “Six years we were married. Why didn’t you ever tell me that you were my pen pal?”

If she had only given him some kind of clue that would make him realize she was Maple, then he never would have treated her the way he had!

He was pulled from his thoughts when his phone vibrated with a new message.

He glanced at his screen and saw that Tom had sent him a text, which read, ‘President Fuller, I’ve brought the car around for you. I’ll be waiting at the main entrance of the company.’

Toby locked his phone without replying and shoved it into his pocket, then marched out of the office.

On the way to the Gray Residence, the sky seemed to break with a sudden torrential downpour, which was swiftly followed by fog that blurred the road ahead.

Tom was carefully maneuvering the car as he mumbled, “President Fuller, have you noticed how odd the weather has been for the past few days? The forecast said that it would be sunny, but the rain has proved relentless nowadays, not to mention the thunderstorm last night. Apparently, floods and earthquakes have been happening in certain regions as well.”

“I don’t see what’s odd about that. Those things happen every year,” Toby remarked plainly as he stared at Sonia’s photo, his thumb caressing her face over the phone screen.

Tom chuckled dryly. “I was only making an observation, but you’re right to say that there isn’t anything odd about it at all.”

Hearing this, Toby ignored him, and he was about to drown in his own thoughts when he saw a figure standing on the road ahead.

The figure was dressed entirely in white, and he was holding up a black umbrella as he stood in the middle of the road, making no effort to dodge Toby’s car whatsoever.

Tom saw this, too, and though he honked several times to signal the person to move away, it was to no avail.

“What’s wrong with him?” Tom frowned and grumbled sullenly, “Does he have a death wish or something? Why the hell is he standing in the middle of the road instead of dodging oncoming cars?”

“Stop the car!” Toby barked in a low voice. Judging from the way he refuses to budge, chances are he’s waiting for us.

The car screeched to an abrupt halt. Tom and Toby leaned forward due to the inertia, thereafter falling backward into their seats once more.

Tom turned to glance at Toby and asked hastily, “Are you alright, President Fuller?”

“I’m perfectly fine!” Toby glowered at the unmoving figure ahead and snapped irritably. Then, pinching the space between his brows, he ordered imperiously, “Unlock the door.”

Incredulous, Tom demanded with wide eyes, “Are you getting out of the car?”

Presently, they were on one of the quieter streets of Eastbourne. There were hardly any cars that passed by the area, and as of now, the entire stretch of road was completely empty save for their car and the mysterious figure ahead.

Where the hell did that person come from? More to the point, why is he blocking our way? There’s no telling if he’s good or bad, so it’s too dangerous for President Fuller to get out of the car now! With that in mind, Tom turned to cast Toby a concerned look before advising solemnly, “President Fuller, I don’t think you should be getting out of the car. We don’t even know the guy. What if he turns out to be some wicked psychopath or something?”

“Grab the pistol and wait for me in the car. You can fire shots the moment something goes awry,” Toby instructed ominously with narrowed eyes. He was going to get down from this car no matter what.


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