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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 283

“No! I’m fine!” Sonia knitted her eyebrows and immediately hid her hands behind her back, vehemently refusing Toby’s care.

Toby’s hand remained frozen in the air. Finally, he retracted his arm after a long time, feeling disappointed.

“Sonia, I’m sorry…” Carl lowered his head and apologized again with a remorseful expression on his face.

He would never try to hurt her on purpose.

However, he just couldn’t suppress the hostility in his heart, so he did it without even realizing.

Sonia’s heart softened all of a sudden as she looked at the always-gentle young man, now looking like a child who had just made a mistake.

She reached out and touched his hair while smiling gently. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you anyway.”

“Really?” Carl raised his head, looking at her with his bright eyes.

Sonia replied, “Yes!”

Only then did Carl cast aside his inner anxiety and smiled again.

Toby, who was on the side, saw this scene and only to find it all too much of an eye-sore.

Obviously, he had his eyes on Carl.

His intuition told him that this person was an extremely dangerous man.

“Sonia, come with me first. I really do have something very important to tell you,” Toby said with a serious expression.

Seeing him being so solemn, Sonia’s heart couldn’t help but waver when she thought there could really be something serious that he wanted to talk about. Hence, she nodded in agreement. “Okay!”

“Sonia?” Carl’s mood, which had just lightened up, now turned gloomy again.

Seeing that, Sonia patted the back of his hand. “I will be back soon.”

After speaking, she walked straight to the corner Toby pointed to.

Toby didn’t even look at Carl, but only passed him by with his long legs.

Carl stared at the two people in the corner—his eyes were blood-shot, and his fists were tightly clenched. His hands were trembling slightly, and his veins popped on the back of his hands from the amount of force he was exerting.

He really wanted to kill Toby!

And after that, he’d kill Zane and Charles as well—everyone that would ever try to take Sonia away from him.

After killing these people, he wanted to take Sonia abroad and lock her in a cage that he carefully built for her, so that she would not be able to leave him for the rest of her life, and she could only have him in his heart!

Meanwhile, in the corner, Sonia turned around and looked up at Toby. “President Fuller, what are you trying to tell me?”

“Well, all I wanted to say is for you to stay away from Carl!” Toby said seriously.

“Huh?” Sonia was stunned as she widened her eyes in disbelief. “So this is the ‘important matter’ that you told me to come over to talk about? For me to keep away from Carl? Are you crazy?”

With that, she snorted angrily and turned to leave.

No wonder he insisted on calling me here and kept Carl away from listening. This was what he was scheming! Sonia thought to herself.

“Wait!” Toby stretched out his hand and tried to get ahold of her.

“Let go of me!” Sonia shook his hand off.

However, Toby held on tightly. “Sonia, I’m serious. Carl is an extremely dangerous man. If you insist on getting close with him, he’s bound to hurt you sooner or later.”

Sonia laughed from the anger she was suppressing. “Hurt me? Toby Fuller, don’t you think this is funny coming from you, of all people? I treat him as my younger brother. I know him—his personality is gentle and kind, and he will not hurt me like you think he will. The one who is really hurting me is you; don’t you think so?”

She sneered and looked at him sarcastically.

Facing her gaze, Toby felt like his heart had been stabbed, but he couldn’t refute what she said.

It was true—he was the one who was really hurting her.

Even if it wasn’t his intention before, he still did it, and he couldn’t be excused for all of that.

Seeing that Toby stopped talking, Sonia tried to shrug his hand off again and warned him, “Don’t ever try to tell me anything about Carl or Charles wanting to hurt me. Or else, you will never see the end of it.”

Once she was done with her words, she threw him a cold look and walked toward Carl.

Toby raised his hand and put it on his heart, only to feel a slight pain there.


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