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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326 Stop Making Things Hard for Yourself

“I got it.” Toby nodded slightly. Tim stuck his hands into the pockets of his green scrubs before he walked off. A while after Tim left, a nurse helped Sonia out of the operating theater. The abortion was a non-surgical procedure, so Sonia didn’t need to be brought out in a stretcher. She could walk on her own, but she had to walk extremely slowly as her uterus felt extremely sore and painful. She seemed to wince with every step she took. Furthermore, her movements made her uterus hurt even more—her face was pale, and sweat dripped from her forehead by the time she walked out.

Toby’s heart ached at the sight of her in pain. “Let me help you,” he offered. He reached an arm out to take over the nurse’s support, and the nurse didn’t stop him since she assumed that he was a family member. The nurse stepped aside after letting go of Sonia. However, before Toby could hold onto Sonia, Sonia quickly avoided his arm. “I’m fine. I can walk on my own!” she hissed in a weak voice. She held onto the walls and gritted her teeth as she shuffled to her room.

The sight of the stubborn woman made Toby feel both sorry for and angry at her. His handsome face darkened as he spoke. “I know you don’t want to see me now, but you just got out of surgery. Even if you don’t like me, you shouldn’t risk your own health to fight me!” He bent down and carried her in his arms after he finished speaking.

Sonia instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, but she let go of him once she realized what was going on. “Let go of me!” she cried. Toby continued walking to the ward with a stern expression on his face as if he couldn’t hear her screams. She pounded her fists against his chest when she realized that he had no plans of letting her go. “I’m telling you to put me down, Toby. Can’t you hear me?”

“Stop moving!” Toby tightened his grip on her as he looked down with a grim expression. “You just got out of surgery, so you shouldn’t be moving around too much. If you fall now, you’re the one who’s going to get injured, not me. Why would you make things hard for yourself?”

She kept quiet after hearing his words. He’s right. Why should I make things hard for myself? I might as well treat him as a vehicle since he’s willing to transport me to my room. With that thought, Sonia became more obedient and no longer moved around in his arms. However, her body remained tense the entire time.

His gaze darkened when he realized this. People often need support when they are at their weakest. Yet, she’s so tense even when she’s in my arms. It’s clear that she doesn’t treat me as someone she can rely on. Otherwise, she would’ve relaxed, right?

Silence filled the space between them as Toby brought Sonia back to the room. He lowered her into the bed and tucked her in. “Are you hungry?” he asked in a gentle voice.

She was about to shake her head when her tummy responded to his question with a loud rumble. He chuckled when he heard this. “You should get some rest. I’ll go buy you some food.” He poured a glass of water and placed it beside her bed before he turned and left the room.

The ward was silent after that. Sonia ran her hand across her belly, and she noticed that the slight bump in that area was no longer there. Her stomach was flat once more—it felt almost like her entire pregnancy was nothing but her own imagination. However, she knew that it was real because she could still feel a faint ache in her uterus. The pain was proof that she once held a living being inside her.

But that life is gone now, she thought while biting her bottom lip. She curled her fingers around her shirt as she began to sob silently. She wasn’t sure if she was crying happy or sad tears… Right then, her phone began to ring.

She quickly brushed her tears away. After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, she picked her phone up and glanced at the caller ID before answering the call. “Hello?”

“Where are you, darling?” Charles was standing outside Sonia’s office on the other end of the line. “Daphne said that you didn’t come to work today, and I couldn’t find you at your place. Where did you go?” He sounded rather anxious.

“I’m at the hospital.” Sonia leaned her head against the headboard as she replied in a tired voice. Charles was even more anxious when he heard her weak voice. He held onto his phone with both hands as he raised his voice. “The hospital? What are you doing there?”

“It’s nothing. I just went for my abortion,” Sonia uttered as she closed her eyes.


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