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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Toby Cheated

Toby’s brow furrowed. “Settle accounts with me? What accounts?”

“I don’t know. That guy refused to say and insisted on waiting until you came back, so you better hurry home,” Tyler urged.

“Got it,” Toby grunted. After he hung up the phone, he pressed his temples and ordered, “Drive home. I’m not going to the hotel anymore.”

He originally planned to stay at the hotel tonight so that he could come over to the hospital earlier tomorrow morning when Sonia was discharged. However, now that Titus was over at the Fuller Residence, Toby had to return there instead.

“Okay, President Fuller.” Tom nodded and answered.

They finally arrived at the Fuller Residence more than an hour later. When the servant heard the sound of their car, she immediately came out to open the door. “Young Master Toby, you’re back.”

“Titus hasn’t left yet?” Toby handed the jacket he held in his hand to her.

The maid shook her head. “Nope, Madam White and Young Master Tyler are dealing with him.”

He pursed his lips, but he didn’t say anything else. Instead, he simply changed his footwear before he walked toward the living room. Just as he entered the area, he heard Jean’s sharp voice in the air. “Gray, when are you leaving?”

“I won’t leave! I won’t leave until Toby comes back. Let me tell you right now, if Toby doesn’t give me an explanation, I won’t be done with the Fuller Family!” Titus’ evil laughter came next.

Toby’s face darkened as he interrupted, “Oh? Then, I would like to see what you are going to do with the Fuller Family!”

Upon hearing these words, the three people in the living room instantly fell silent. Almost immediately after that, a happy Tyler rose to his full height. “Toby, you’re back.”

“Toby, luckily you’re back! Hurry up and send this person off! He’s annoying!” Jean pointed at Titus seated on the couch, her plump face not bothering to hide her deep disgust.

When he saw this, Titus shivered with rage. This fat woman is such a typical snob!

A few months ago when the Gray Family was still one of the top 20 families in the city, the fat woman had enthusiastically buttered up to them every time she met them and addressed them as part of her family. Now that the Gray Family had hit rock bottom, she immediately turned tables and looked down on them, which pissed the hell out of him! How could that old man, Homer Fuller, have fallen for such a woman back then?

When Toby saw Titus’ twisted expression, his eyes turned cold and he raised his head to appease Jean. “I understand, Mom. Leave it to me. Since it’s late, why don’t you and Tyler return to your rooms to rest first?”

“I’m not going to rest; I want to stay and see what kind of account he wants to settle with the Fuller Family!” she answered, sitting down at once.

Tyler also repeatedly nodded. “I’m staying too.”

Upon realizing that his mother and brother weren’t leaving, Toby didn’t force them either. Instead, he walked toward Titus and sat across him. Then, he crossed his legs and coldly stared at Titus. “Spit it out then. What accounts do you want to settle with me?”

Titus huffed angrily, “Okay, since you are straight to the point, I won’t beat around the bush either. Toby, how could you do this to Tina?!”

Toby narrowed his eyes. “What are you referring to?”

He thought that the reason why Titus was looking for him at such a late hour was because of Titus’ dissatisfaction with business matters. Unexpectedly, it was actually about Tina.


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